My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 6

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Chapter 6

"Go!" says Cindy, my ever so pushy bestie.

"I - I'm not ready," I answer shakily, like a druggie on helium.

"What the hell? Do you expect me to push you? Again?" she asks incredulously. If anything, her words sounded more like a threat, not a warning.

I roll my eyes at her and her face turns ten shades redder. It'll be purple any minute now. "Just go already!" With that, I walk away, a bit weak in the knees. And, let me tell you, it ain't the good kind. It's definitely not the romance novel kind. The opposite maybe.

It's been about another week since our special field trip disaster and Charlie said he had confindence in me. He told me that I'm good enough to talk to Andrew in person. "God, El, you need to stop talking to your imaginary friend who's name is coincidentally Andrew!" Charlie would exclaim repeatedly. As usual, I didn't give a flying rat's tush.

Party Friday is up and coming, as you probably know. Well, it's called Party Friday for a reason. Anyway, Charlie specifically instructed me to bring the party up. He kept drilling the words "do not ask him out" in my head and now it just feels like some sort of messed up exam. You'd think after years and years of stress, you wouldn't get anymore. Oh, but I do agree that I would sound pathetic and desperate if I asked him to go out with me. So yeah, that's a wrap.

Charlie smirks at me when he catches my eye. Drew's back is to me, so he can't see how horribly nervous I am. Though, I've had more practice with flirting and making conversation. With the male species. The fact that Charlie and I had gone to two more of those weird "field trip" things helped. Good thing there wasn't a reason for him to go all protective boyfriend on me again. And maybe, just maybe, I'm a tad bit disappointed about that. Then again, maybe not. Maybe I'm just trying to overthink this. Yup! That's exactly it.

"Hey, guys," I mumble like a complete loser.

"Eli," Charlie says, winking at me.


Andrew turns around and I hold my breath, almost like a habbit whenever he's around.

"Elouise, what's up?" he greets, resting a hand on my shoulder as he did so.

I can't believe he did that!

He's holding my shoulder!

I am freaking out here. I'm freaking out!


Calm the mother effin down, Elouise!

And...there goes that logical voice again.

Seeing that I am unable to respond, Andrew lets it go and I mentally slap myself for being stupid. Where the hell is my intelligence when I need it? "I - I'm good," I stutter, fidgetting with my fingers.

Dammit, act normal!

As if on cue, Charlie interupts our not-so-happy conversation and I'm thankful for that. "Is anyone going to the party tonight?"

Some of his friends say yeah's and no's. And then there was Andrew who simply answers, "Dunno."

"Why?" I ask far too quickly, forgetting to hide my unhappy expression.

He scratches his jaw, looks me straight in the eye and replies, "Because I just don't." He seems so bored that I'm half afraid to keep up this conversation. Am I that boring to talk to?

"Oh, well. Uh, see yah!" I swiftly twirl around and head back to where Cindy is, afraid that I might start word vomitting. You know me, right? I'm that girl who can win the awkward turtle award. Once I was back, she eyes me carefully. She asks me what happened back there but I just give her an icy look. "Don't ask," I grumble as my frown deepens.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now