My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 30

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Chapter 30

I stare at the girl in the mirror with doubt. She stared back at me with her big blue eyes and slightly parted full lips. Her head was somewhat tilted to the side, her dark, curly locks messily braided. It nestled on one side of her neck, close to the butterfly pendant of a silver necklace. She wore a simple mint dress that ended above her knees and a white cardigan to keep her warm. She had on a pair of white closed-toe flats. I'm sure she was hoping that her feet wouldn't freeze and fall off during the evening. Her face, though, was free from makeup. Most likely due to the fact that she was allergic to it. Nevertheless, her cheeks were still tinted pink from her nerves.

Do you ever wonder what you look like in other people's eyes?

I think about it all the time, especially when I see myself in the mirror. Sometimes, I'd even describe myself in third person--like moments ago. I didn't like describing myself in first person. I always end up picking out all my imperfections, which pretty much gives a hard blow to a person's self-esteem.

When Penny finished helping me out, I was relieved that I didn't morph into this completely different human being. I guess my allergic reaction to makeup isn't too bad. I'm positive that Penny would've gone all out if my face wasn't cosmetically off-limits. I didn't really mind the dress; I thought it was appropriate. And the shoes? They were flat, so I should be able to cope.

As I grabbed my mint and white colored purse, I saw Penny admiring her handiwork. In other words, me. Her pretty, pink lips were set in a smirk and her ebony lenses twinkled as they remain narrowed. We stepped outside and I pursed my lips in confusion.

"What are you smirking for?" I asked, not being able to handle such secrecy.

She raised a perfectly sculpted, blonde brow at me. "Nothing," she said. "Is it wrong to think that my twin looks gorgeous?"

"Hey! That's so- What?"

She loosely wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Can't you just chill, Elouise? You look fine, and besides, if something goes wrong, it's not supposed to count."

"But what if it know, count?"

"I'm sure that boy likes you enough to let it slip."

My sister winks at me as she squeezed my shoulders. We wait for my nondate date to arrive in the living room. Our mom, of course, did not know about this whatsoever. And, like the person she is, she stops watching PLL and stares at me pointedly. It's like I committed a crime and refused to tell her about it. But, this isn't a crime and I actually have no dead bodies hidden beneath my bed. It's really not complex; I'm just going to spend time with Drew. On a Sunday. Plain and simple.

"Elouise Maree Walton, you're going on a date and you forgot to tell m?!" she exclaimed, quite outraged.

"It's not a date," I quickly corrected her.

"C'mon, it's been ages since..." Mom's eyes flickered to Penny for a second. "Since your last date."

I knew she was about to blurt Felix. I wouldn't have minded, though. It's been a long time since then, but everyone still thought it was a touchy subject. I kept telling them that we ended things on a good note. Despite the lack of contact, I knew we were okay.

"For the second time tonight, Mom, it's not a date."

"Well, would you at least tell me who it is?" Our mother paused and then suddenly gasped, which startled both me and Pen. "Oh! Let me it sweet little Charlie?"

"No, Mom. Charlie's like my brother or something," I retort, although I regarded Charlie more as the latter of the two. "Plus, he's neither sweet or little."

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now