My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 34

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Chapter 34

Some people weren't meant to meet. Some places weren't meant to be found. Some things weren't meant to happen. But cooking? It was something I was never supposed to do again.

Obviously, I lost that challenge. You know who won? Delaney Flannegan. It was pretty unfair, since she was basically eligible to join The Iron Chef without any further questions.

Other than work, prepping for Penny's surprise date, and my tutoring sessions, I was doing okay. Charlie didn't seem too upset about the whole "proxy" thing, but if he was I wouldn't have a clue. I haven't built up my courage to ask Drew about the whole dance thing either. Cindy had been sick for a while now too, which meant I became the awful thirdwheel. I was chilling, trying to make conversation with Diana and Benjie, but nothing ever works. Sooner or later on in the convo, they'd have a moment and BAM - I was out of the picture. Unless, of course, I cough or something. Zeke occasionally showed up at the table, but he was mostly off making trouble. Or kissing girls. The Ashtons were with Charlie, and so was sweet 'ol Drew. I'd go sit with Macy, but she had her own set of friends. Plus, I haven't really talked to her since the park incident. So, it'd be weird if I just suddenly appeared at her table. I could be labelled either a random or a very weird individual. Personally, I think it's gonna be the former.

I craned my neck to look for someone I knew, even just remotely. Then, I realized I had a sibling. She was sitting next to the cheerbot we played truth or dare with. They were in their cheer uniforms. By they, I meant all of them. Again, I'd look like an outsider. Having no other choice, I dragged my feet to the guys' table. Awkwardly dodging people, I carried my tray of food to the mostly testosterone'd territory. I wouldn't know about you, but I thought it was really intimidating.

Upon approaching, I heard a few cat calls and...a wolf whistle.

"Eli. You look delicious," Zeke greeted, nodding at me.

I snorted, sitting down.

"I was talking to the slice of cheesecake goodness," he scolded and I laughed.

Turning away to the moron eyeing my dessert, I said hi to the others. "Sorry, I had no where else to sit."

Henry grinned. "Not a problem, Eli-cat."

"You sure you don't mind?" I asked again.

"Actually, I do mind," Charlie muttered lowly, his eyes not meeting mine.

I willed myself not to react. "Oh...I'll just, uh, m-move then."

Suddenly, they all bursted out in laughter. Even Drew, who usually sat quietly. Charlie smirked in his obvious victory, whilst everyone praised him for making me stutter. Zeke patted me on the back as he tried containing himself. Though, I made sure to glare at my best friend's brother.

"What can I say?" Charlie began, raising a teasing brow at me. "I bring out the awkward in people."

All I could think was that lunch seemed entertaining enough.


I went straight to Cindy's after school. I left Charlie behind, since he was being a bit of a potato. The only reason I was seeing her was because she sent me a text that said: SOS. E, u hav to come to my house ASAP!!!

Wouldn't those kinds of messages set off any alarm bells you had in your head?

So I rushed inside their house, not bothering to talk to Mrs Fellows for too long. I took the stairs three at a time, and by the time I got to her bedroom door, I was panting like a marathon athlete. I wasn't fit or anything, but I figured it was time to hit the gym. Seriously, my breathing didn't even until...I don't minutes.

"What? Did Ethan do something stupid? Wait--did you do something you'd regret?" I immediately fired at Cindy.

She jumped in fright, nearly falling off her mattress. "Dammit, Eli! No, god no!" she replied, annoyed. "It's about something else." Sniffle.

I shut the door behind me, careful not sit too close to Cindy. "So, what is it?"

"It's Charlie," she stated in a melancholy voice.

"What about him?"

"I think," she paused, "I think he might be gay."

My eyes widened and I was left, more or less, speechless.

Noticing my disbelief, she added, "Come, I'll show you."

We crept out the door and slowly ended up in front of Charlie's bedroom door. As Cindy checked to see if there was someone else around, I nervously fidgeted with my fingers.

Is it true?

I sighed heavily.

Is Charlie really batting for the same team?

The two of us sneak inside his reasonably organized room. His instruments are perfectly in place, his bed is pristine and creaseless, and his desk is somewhat acceptable. His posters remain the same as last time too, except he's added a few more. I couldn't see what's making her believe her notion.


Cindy purses her lips and walks over to Charlie's closet. She opens it and starts skimming through Charlie's clothes. Soon enough, I hear some sort of plastic and she pulls out a dress. It's a purple dress. One, that I vaguely remember.

"He owns a dress, El! I don't understand why he can't trust me enough to tell me," she sighed.

"He--I--it's from... Yeah, I give up."

I take the dress from her clutches and examine it properly. Or at least, I wanted to.

Everything froze when the knob turned and a surprised Charlie entered the room. In an attempt to hide the unworn dress, Cindy hid it behind her back. I shook my head at her efforts. And, before I could even hope to save our sorry butts, Cindy beat me to it.

Like the person she was, Cindy instinctively blurted out, "Charlie, we know your secret."

And I asked myself, How the hell do we get ourselves into these situations?

* * *

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. :(

I had tests and sacs, and now I'm away on vacation. I'm using my data to upload this via phone. Again, I'm deeply sorry.

Anyway, due to my lack of Wi-Fi, there is nothing on the multimedia section. :(

Dedicated to @drMariotti for the insightful comment that made me laugh. Keep being amazing! :)

Thanks for your support, everyone! We've reached 32K! *jumps excitedly* 33,000 here we come! Thank you so much for sticking with this story, its very motivating. So, always know that you are awesome! :D

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See yah!


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