My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 12

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Chapter 12

Wake up, Eli.

Wake up, dammit!

Wake up, you-

"Five more minutes," I mumble groggily at the new alarm. I have a feeling my mother is growing tired of my daily shit. Well, it isn't exactly my fault that she decided to bring it upon herself in the first place. However, in the slowest way possible, I slid out of my covers, my feet hitting the nice warm rug on the floor.

Today, I'm going to kick Charlie's ass and then give him a lesson on "How To Win Over Penelope Walton". It's not really my idea of the perfect after school activity, but whatever - it's an obligation. Something you actually have to oblige with, even though you're completely against it.

What exactly are you against?

What? Nothing!

Evading the question, are we?

No, but why the hell is school early? Can't it be at night?

Denial, denial. And, night classes are a bit creepy, El.

True, bu-

"Elouise, you better be out of bed!" Mom warns from the other side of the pastel coloured walls. At least she saved me from another one of my mental conversations. I really do need help with that. I mean, who the heck holds a really long conversation with themselves like that? I'm guessing, not a lot.

I met up with Cindy and her brother at the bus stop, per usual. Of course, Charlie sat a little ways from us. Not that I cared. And then, at school, Drew and I shared a surprisingly comfortable chat. It was unfortunately short lived because the bell went and rang. I always knew that timing was never on my side. Thankfully, by the time lunch rolled around, I found Charlie hiding behind the stands. He was lying on the ground, an arm covering most of his face and his golden eyes, his maple brown hair sprawled on the grass. Me being me, I decided to sneak up on him. I wish I was a stealthier person, though.

Tip toe. Tip toe. Tip toe.

It was like a game, a game that I'm so obviously losing. I can't even go ten metres without making some kind of noise. This time, it was stepping on a crisp leaf that I didn't know was there.

"I know you're there, Elouise. What do you want?" he muttered, his voice thick with wariness. The sound of his voice was deep and a little rough. It honestly sounded very alluring. Maybe that's what he uses to seduce the female population. Or maybe not, since he's too hung up on Penny. Anyway, I don't have time to ponder over that.

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You're eyes aren't even open and it wasn't that loud!"

I heard him chuckle for the umpteenth time since I've known him. I furrowed my brows, ungracefully nestling down beside him. "I just need to tell you that we have a Penny lesson tonight," I stated, waiting with my curious eyes for his reply. The way the silence enveloped us was a dead ringer that no one was around, except for me and him. I take a small bite of my chocolate chip cookie, wondering whether or not he actually heard what I said.

Now what? I eat, you sleep?

Snoring. That's what followed the silence, Charlie's suprisingly soft snoring.

I pinch the bridge of nose, closing my eyes in exasperation. I might as well talk to him while he's asleep. You never know, he may retain some of the information.

"First of all, I'm going to lie down so I don't look like a complete weirdo," I say, lying on my back and copying his position.

"You know, I never understood why you like Pen so much," I murmur, peeking at him to see if he was still asleep. He is, I still hear his snores.

Knowing that it's completely safe, I continued. "I mean, yes, she is gorgeous and witty and funny, maybe a little annoying but... Okay, I understand why you like her now."

I wanted to slap my forehead. Here I was, listing all of Penny's positive attributes, yet, I don't know why this boy fancied her? Dear, dear.

Not caring all too much, I let the words come out. "I do get it, okay? And maybe I am a little tiny bit jealous of her..."

This time, I stopped myself. It's only becoming bitter and whiny. It's all true, though. All her life, Penny got anything she wanted. All she had to do was flash her cute pout and a bit of eye widening. And then, there's me, who usually had to try hard to earn it. She had guys flocking over her while I was just crushing over someone who didn't know I existed. No one can help it, the jealousy. It's just a rule of the universe. Penny is the better twin.

I decided that I should leave now. I didn't have business here. So, I removed my arm from my face and opened my eyes. To my surprise, Charlie was awake and he was staring at me with concern. His eyes held an emotion that I couldn't quite read. It's probably pity. Did he hear my pity party? I wasn't sure but I just wanted to leave. I feel embarassed and humiliated. With my luck, Charlie would most likely tease me about this later on. But, right now I didn't care, I just have to leave. Buy another cookie, even.

I gave him a weak smile and began to leave. I wasn't able to, because Charlie caught my arm.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asks with genuine concern.

I shrug his arm off and flashed him an even bigger smile that seemed even more artificial. "Nothing, just about to buy a cookie." And I was, it was half true.

Giving me a stern look, Charlie let the subject go and replied, "Sure, I'll see you after school."

I was walking to the cafeteria when Cindy saw me. She had an excited look on her face and I couldn't help but plaster on a real smile.

"Guess what?" she asks with giggle. The balls on her feet were at work, making her blonde hair bounce along with her.

I roll my eyes. "Did you notice that nobody ever guesses? Everyone just says what."

My bestie snorted at me and crossed her arms. "No need to be like that, but I'll tell you anyway because I love you."

I motion for her to carry on, possibly looking expectant.

"I got you in the cheerleading team!" she exclaimed, looking super proud of herself. At that, my mouth dropped open.

Cindy laughed, but then shook her head and frowned. "Kidding, it's actually worse. Your twin didn't enter for the annual Lincoln Bay High School Pageant-"

"What's wrong with that?"

"She entered you."

I punched her in the arm first and then proceeded to freak out and pace in a small circle like a maniac. I heard Cindy mutter calming words but I didn't care. I just wanted to know the reason why.

Why in the world would Penelope enter me? She told me she'd always wanted to join that thing this year, so why didn't she? That pageant was totally her; frilly dresses, walking on a stage, and people's mostly undivided attention.

God, she's so stupid sometimes.

"When is this?" I growled, glaring at the ground. My hands were balled into fists. I don't want to join a stupid pageant! I already have Charlie and her's date to organise, I've got no time for that. Plus, I hate pageants in general.

"It's less than two months away," Cindy replied softly. She knew I'd be furious and it was smart of her to keep a small distance between us.

"Wait, did you say..?" She nodded, looking somewhat apologetic.

If it's in less than two months, then it's probably the same day as Charlie's date thing. This isn't good, I already booked us a place. I can't possibly cancel that now, it'll be too expensive!

Oh, Penny, what are you up to this time?

* * *

Dun dun duuuuun! Penny's up to no good again. She always is.

Penny is on the side, so is her song - Troublemaker.

I hope you liked the chapter! I'm being a better author now. Tee-hee.

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My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now