My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 8

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Chapter 8

Oh. My. Gosh. Did I just hear what I think she said?

My mind raced with the worst possible ways that could have happened to Charlie. I guess the guilt of letting him do his stupid ways is eating up what little brain cells I have in me. I chanced a look at Andrew. He looked really taken aback by this tidbit of information that oh-so-generously Penny sprang on us. I don't really blame him. After all, Charlie is his moron of a friend too. Look at me, insulting a "friend" who's currently hospitalised. I'm such a nice person... Not.

Moments later, Penny finally cleared her throat. "Ehem?" she muttered. The two of us just stare at her blonde figure. "Aren't you gonna ask anything else?" she muttered rudely, using a duh tone at that. I just want to strangle her right now.

I groaned. "What now?" I mumbled, giving Drew a sympathetic look. He didn't have to witness our sisterly bonding.

"Well... There is one more thing," she starts, mischief evident in her sinister gray eyes. I gestured for her to continue but she only shook her head. "Tell you later when lover boy's gone." Penny's being an extra pain today.

After that, my sister left me in the room with Drew. I stood up, brushing off imaginary dust off of me. It was fairly awkward.

"I'm so sorry Andrew. I have to go now," I said apologetically. He shook his perfect head, making his swirly black locks sway. Even in this state of panic, he still manages to look sublime in every way.

"He's my mate. C'mon, I'll drive you," he replied softly, tugging on my hand and I forget how to breathe.

He's touching my hand!

My inner self was already doing a hyperactive happy dance. "Um, yeah. Let's go," I mumbled with a weird smile.

Geez, he probably thinks I'm a loser.

Andrew nodded and we rushed to his car. I didn't even bother telling my parents that I'm going somewhere - again. I guess I'll just have to trust my instinct that they'll forgive me. I mean, Charlie and Cindy are like their own children. We've all known each other since kinder; I know they'll have the heart to understand.

I tapped my fingers on my lap anxiously as Drew drives us to the Lincoln Bay General Hospital. It was a five minute drive from our house and believe me, it sure was silent. Once we were in the parking lot, I felt a hand on my arm. I jumped from the shock of someone touching me again.

"Sorry," he said softly.

I turned so I could see his face. Andrew still looks absolutely cute. "It's okay. I'm just...guilty." I whispered.

He jams his keys in his pockets and opens his door. "It's not your fault, Eli."

That's what they always say.

"He's just in there with his sister. Just go straight to your left after this hall, miss." I nodded at the receptionist's words. She'd also informed us that he didn't have any major "damages" as I like to refer to it. And just like the woman mentioned, Cindy was there, all sober and stressed. That poor girl. Unfortunately, the person we actually want to check up on is MIA.

"Cindy!" I half yelled. She looked in the direction of my voice and spotted Drew and I walking closer to her. At first, she only smiled - possibly not noticing Andrew - but then she gasped and covered her mouth. I nearly face palmed myself there and then. She was such a dead giveaway sometimes. I sneaked a glance at Drew. His face was contorting in confusion.

"Where the heck is your idiot of a brother?" I complained, but on the inside, I was as worried sick.

Cindy was still smiling at me knowingly. "Uh, he's in the bathroom."

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now