My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 16

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Chapter 16

Maybe standing like an idiot and gawking wasn't my best move after Charlie popped the big question. Okay, maybe that sounded a bit like a marriage proposal rather than the actual thing... Whatever, let's just carry on. He waltzed inside my bedroom and carefully shut the door. Oddly enough, the situation seems way calmer than it was three seconds ago. Even I, who was part of the scene, didn't comprehend either.

"I'm really sorry, but can you repeat that one more time please?" I request, looking at Charlie but at the same time, directing the question to Drew too.

"Go out with me," Charlie repeats at the same time Drew answers, "Would you like to go out with me?"

I purse my lips, noticing how different these two boys were. Fellows said it like a command that you had to comply with, while Andrew was giving me a choice in the matter. My decision making was cut short though, because Charlie wasn't quite finished.

"Go out, as in the craft shop. We can do the shopping now and just create stuff on Saturday. It'll save us time," he explained, sitting down on one of my bean bags.

It's true; it will save us time. I mean, the pageant is pretty much around the same time as the date thing, so we'll need all the time we can get. So, I nodded at him. Guess my bearings are all wrong. See what I mean with assumptions?

"Uh, Drew? Are you being serious?" I slowly murmur as I turn my back to Charlie in the hopes of having more privacy. He's not suppose to see my burning cheeks.

"Yes, and I swear it's a non-date thing!" he quickly quipped. At that moment, all I wanted to do was slap myself.

This is one of my many flaws. I assume too much, I anticipate, I expect, and I always end up feeling like fool because of it; disappointed because I shouldn't be in the first place.

"Oh, really? Great," I replied, though I was feeling the opposite.

"Would Saturday night be fine?" he asks, which I agreed to. "I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, see you..."

After he hangs up, I twirl around, only to find Charlie staring at me curiously. He still had that seriousness about him, but now I was just doubting everything I thought. I already got my hopes up with Drew, I don't want to confuse anything else.

"What?" I squeek, walking over to the edge of my bed. I'm surprised I could hear the disappointment in my tone. Most of the time, I try not to react. I mean, a non-date wasn't really on my wish list, but I guess I'll take what he's willing to give me.

"Nothing," he replied, shaking his head and standing up. "Ready to go?" he asks, his amber eyes staring into my sad blue ones.

I smiled at him and mimicked his actions. "Of course," I said. I didn't let him do what he was about to, I just walked away.

Charlie, as I've mentioned before, was a deep and cryptic person. Sometimes I just don't know how the wires in his brain function. Oh, but I do know one thing: Charlie is a kind of person who likes to fix people, mend them. Perhaps he believes that there's something wrong with me, which there was, and he wants to make it all better. I never did like it when he does that; because it is his way of trying to make everything perfect. That's why I always walk away. It's an effective way to stop him before he even starts. I'd rather be left alone.

Suddenly, it hits me again. I realised that Cindy was still on the other line and I just completely hung up on her absent-mindedly.

Some bestie I am.

I quickly send her a message and apoligise. I really didn't mean to.

Once we were downstairs, Charlie bid Penny and Ryan goodbye, thanking them for letting him in. I, on the other hand, flashed them a forced smile as I traipsed out of the house. Call me Little Miss Downer - or Negatron, because it's much cooler - but I ain't even going to mask my annoyance with them.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now