My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 42

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Chapter 42

It's a nice afternoon today. The sun is going to set in an hour or so, and Charlie and I are at the beach. We sit on the sand as we both stare off into the beautiful ocean--have I told you that I love the ocean? Since the almost-getting-run-over incident, I somehow feel more connected to Charlie--if that makes sense. I guess it's because I feel grateful, like I owed him. It's like the whole thing triggered the damsel in distress within me. I'm honestly not fond of Damsel Eli, but in a way, I understand why people get this dazed look in their eyes when a superhero saves them. It's that "I owe you" feeling. It's weird.

In all honesty, today is important for him too, but my reason just seems a tad more monumental than his. The pageant's tomorrow, while his date is on the next day. So, do you see my point? It used to be on the same day, but now it isn't, thanks to Zeke. Though, I wish we became close early on. Could've saved me all that worrying! Since he's one of the most persuasive people I know, I put him up to sweet talking. Somehow, that reckless, immature human being managed to get everything rescheduled to Saturday. Seriously, one does not simply charm his way out of everything! Of course, I helped out by standing one step behind him; you know, for moral support. Anyway, by changing the dates, I could oversee all that's happening and if the plan is falling through correctly. Plus, it's not gonna be as stressful for our helpers.

And, no, I won't tell you if they volunteered for it or not.

"Do you ever look at the ocean and wonder why it makes the sounds that it does? Or why it appears the way it does? Why you're somehow compelled to be breathless by the rhythmic pattern of the crashing waves?" Charlie suddenly blurted, his gaze never leaving the ocean.

"What?" I asked, surprised--in awe.

"Nothing. Ignore me."

And that's what got me.

He understands, I think to myself, staring at him the same way I stared at my first Disney princess impersonator.

"You know, I've known you for a really long time," he begins, turning to me. "We've been going to the same school since kindergarten, but I was too distant to talk to you."

I lower my eyes from him, my fingers digging into the sand. He's not supposed to say those things after the ocean statement! He can't!

"And, maybe you do like someone else. But, you never gave me a chance. How am I meant to compete? You don't let me," he says, more quietly this time.

I don't say a word; I'm too conflicted to say anything.

Dammit, Charlie! Stop it!

"If you just let me, maybe I can show you."

"Show me what?" I whisper, frowning.

"How I feel. Maybe then, you'll stop lying to yourself," he replies with a quiet sigh.

"I don't understand," I say, forming fists with my hands.

Charlie sighs again. "Maybe then, you'll stop lying to yourself. Maybe then, you'll admit that you love me too."

I throw a fistful of sand at his face. "Charls, I doubt that Penny is secretly in love with you." Maybe I am.


Stupid boy, saying what he did about the ocean and then, dismissing his thoughts.

Stupid practice!

Was he really going to say that to Penny? The ocean thing?

"Well, I'm gonna have to rephrase that then?"

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now