My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 15

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Chapter 15

"So you're telling me," I guessed, looking down at the chemical equation and pointing to myself, "that I have to add numbers in front of this compound thingy to balance them?"

Charlie, also known as my new tutor, nodded feverishly. I bet he's hoping that I finally get it. "Yes," he replied.

"But, Charls, why do we have to balance them? They're perfectly fine!" I complained, dropping the pen with an exasperated look.

The boy rubs his face in both frustration and defeat. Today was Thursday, our second tutoring day. This pretty much sums up half of our session, bickering. The first time was much worse, though. Charlie ended up getting too annoyed, so he did both our homework. That was awesome, except for the part that I won't have him to answer any of my exams for me when the time comes.

"Do you seriously want to pass this subject?" he asked, genuine curiousity and a little bit of concern etched on his face. He drags a hand through his dark locks, slightly tugging on the ends. His tired brown eyes were trained on me with such intensity.

Geez, is this how you ask questions these days?

But, instead of answering him, I direct us away from the topic. "Hey, are you doing anything on Saturday?" I blurt suddenly.

For a second, he seems confused, but something flashes in his eyes that makes him reply. "I know you're trying to get away with this, but I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Eli-bell."

"Eli-bell? How original... So are you free or not?" I demand, leaning towards him.

"Depends. Are you asking me out on a date?" Charlie teased and I scoot away.

"Nope. I don't even like you."

"But if you do, which I'm is the actual truth, would you ever tell me?"

That made me stop and think for a second. "If I told you I like you, would it change anything?" I ask him. I'm trying to sound nonchalant but it isn't really working out for me.

Charlie smiles at me. "It depends," he replies as he starts walking away from me.

I sigh. He can be so vague sometimes. Scratch that, he's vague most of the time.

"I guess I won't tell you then," I murmur, standing up as I trail behind him, feeling weird.

Only Charlie can turn an innocent question into a conversation about my non-existant feelings for him.

The two of us sat next to each other on the bus trip home. Unfortunately, Mr and Mrs Fellows don't believe Charlie when he says he's responsible enough to own a car. They gave him a new and expensive looking computer. I won't deny that it was funny when their parents gifted Cindy her car on her birthday, though. The look on their faces were two completely different emotions. Charlie's was pure shock and rage. Cindy's was amazement and smugness. I was fortunate enough to witness the whole thing. Charlie, being the drama queen that he was, immediately exploded on their parents. He yammered on about his sister being way more immature than him. Oh, the irony of that argument...

When we were walking to our respective homes, nobody spoke. I didn't say a word, neither did he. I guess it worked out in the end. Once I was safely inside the kitchen, I receive six text messages.

The first one is from Cindy.

I'm soooo sick, Eli. Comfort me! :(

The second one is a message from Macy.

Hey, r u busy this weekend?

Diana was the sender of the next one.

Andrew asked me for your number and I gave it to him!

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now