My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 26

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Chapter 26

"Isn't he like a dark-haired Captain America?" I asked, looking at Zeke who was driving me home from the beach.

"Nah, I think he's more Spidey," he replied, scrunching up his face.

"Why? Drew seems like a protector at heart," I defended, frowning at him.

"I think you've got it wrong, El. Drew is Spidey; he sometimes forgets what is important and drifts back when he remembers. Captain A? I don't think you have the right person."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Charlie - he's the protector."

After opening my mouth and introducing Zeke to Drew's parents, their expression changed twice in one second. At first their eyebrows sort of pulled together, but they were quick with changing their half-frowns back to the warm smiles they used to be just moments ago.

"What's up, Zeke?" said Drew, who offered the hug-handshake thing.

Zeke accepted it. "Nothing, just the usual conquests." He made the mistake of winking at Drew, which resulted in a gasp from Mrs James and a mini coughing fit from Mr James. I elbowed Zeke for being so...suggestive. He only grinned at me, as Drew chuckled at the scene.

Zeke made a sharp left and we passed by the Fellows' house. I could see Mr and Mrs Fellows' amazing front garden and the little gnomes that littered it. Cindy's car was nowhere to be scene and I suddenly forgot all about our special project meeting.

"Charlie? A protector? He'd probably hide behind me if a lion were to show up," I remarked, laughing at my own lame joke. I glanced back at Zeke, only to find him smirking at me.

He snorted at me. "Yeah? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you'll be the first one running for the mountains."

"What is this, The Hobbit?"

"I haven't even seen it, you dork."

When Zeke and I are just about ready to leave, he put his arm around me in a cute brotherly way. Drew's parents didn't see it that way; and neither did Drew himself. His smile was tight and as bad as it sounded, I felt warm and fuzzy inside. At that moment, I just wanted to hug him and tell him that Zeke and I were really just friends. Right before we left, Mr James said, "Well, son, you've got your work cut out for you." It made us all laugh. Even Drew, whose cheeks were tinted a light shade of rosy pink.

Zeke dragged me along the sand. We were both barefoot, but my feet felt heavier than a ton of bricks. I was moaning and groaning in exaggerated pain, while he kept his optimism up. We passed by a bunch of people. Some of them were walking at a leisurely pace. Others were playing some beach volleyball. We even saw an adorable old couple who were feeding a couple birds.

What we saw when we arrived back in the parking lot was a totally different sight. I tugged on Zeke's arm a little. "Are they..?"

"Yes, Eli, they're dry humping each other at the back of my truck."

I opened the passenger door and left Zeke with a kiss to the cheek. It still felt surreal, how close we've gotten; but I wasn't about to start complaining. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and slowly went inside. There were noises coming from the kitchen. Apart from that, it was awfully quiet. My parents aren't due to come home for another hour and a half. Penny? I really don't know her whereabouts. I've had no idea since a long time ago.

Unsurprisingly, I spotted Cindy in the kitchen. She held a small cup of tea and there was a piece of buttered toast wedged between her perfect pearly whites. I waved at her, embarrassed that I was late. After all, I invited her to my house. It doesn't really make sense why I'm late. I'll have Zeke to blame for that.

"Hi," I mumbled, going over to the fridge with an empty glass. "Just had a little hold up at the beach."

She eyed my face suspisciously, an evil smile forming on her lips. "What kind of hold up, El?"

I looked away, a burning feeling in my cheeks. The image of the couple at the back of Zeke's burned my mind again and I pushed it away immediately. "I caught up with some old friends."

For a few seconds, I just stood quietly with a stunned expression. I don't know about Zeke, but he seemed comfortable. I should've known. "So, what now?" I asked, fidgetting like crazy.

"We talk to them."

My eyes widened, my face the picture of sheer panic. "What? Why? We're going to interrupt their-"

"Calm the hell down, woman!"

"Sorry, but I dibs not doing it."

Zeke took five long strides towards his truck and banged his fist three times. Of course, that got the lovers' attentions. Their heads poked upwards and our eyes meet. They sat up, looking ashamed.

I thought the girl was undeniably beautiful. She had the most gorgeous doe-eyes I've ever seen and a light dusting of freckles on the bridge of her button nose. The guy was like an Abercrombie model. His eyes were a piercing dark green, his lips pinkish and full, and his cheeks high and prominent. They fitted each other perfectly - at least in the looks department.

"Sorry about that," were the first words that the guy uttered. He was shy about it, but his words were strong, firm. They held conviction. "We got carried away and we thought this was my truck.

"That's fine, but can you go now? We're kind of in a rush," replied Zeke. He was grinning at the two, not at all phased by what they were just doing. I guess he took that well.

That makes one of us.

"So did you have fun whoever you were with?" Cindy inquired, peering at me as she added accents to the painted cardboard.

"I suppose," I murmured, playing the vague card.

"Do you plan on telling me who it is? Let me guess, was it my oh-so-annoying brother?"

I shook my head. "Surprisingly, it's not him."

"The twins?"

And again.

"Don't tell me you tagged along as Little Miss Third Wheel?"

And again.


I tensed, pausing mid-headshake. "Not exactly."

"Then it was Zeke, right? 'Cause he's your new bestie and all."

She tried to play it off as sarcasm, but I heard her faulter. I gave her a massive hug, ignoring the wet paint wedged in between our bodies. "Nobody can ever replace you, Cinderella Fellows. You know that," I stated, staring seriously at her pretty gray eyes.

She smiled, pinching my cheek until I squeaked in pain. "Thanks, Eli-cat."

"What was that for?" I complained, massaging my injured cheek.

"That was for using my full name."



A bang resounded from my door and Penny's head pops in. "If you two don't shut up, I will hit you with my heals."

Consider our cute moment ruined.

Thanks, Pen. So glad I can count on you.

* * *

The filler of filler chapters, I know, I know. I'm sorry.

We've reached our goal yet again! Let's get this to 14,000 reads by next week, everyone! c:

Due to my illness and the rushed-ness of everything right now, there will be no dedication or Multimedia Weekly. I'm super duper sorry about that, but there's always next week. Also, please ignore any mistakes. I'll just fix them once MBFB is complete. So...yeah.

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I love y'all.

Peace yow :)


My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now