My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 11

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Chapter 11

"What the hell are you doing?!" Charlie all but screamed at me and my bundle of crafts. He slowly backs away, like the coward he is, upon seeing all the pinks and reds that I brought. I sigh, shaking my head at him in disappointment and return, he scowls. We're currently in one of the school's art studios. I managed to pull a few strings to get this room all to ourselves for the next two months. Well, as part of my grand scheme, we need a lot of decorations and I sure as hell can't do it all by my lonesome. So I thought, why not get lover boy to do it? And here we are.

I gesture for him to help me carry all the other art materials that I'm towing with me. He rolls his golden eyes at me, as if he thought I was a weakling, then, proceeds to help lug the heavier items. After everything is placed in the studio, I grin, happy to be done with all that carrying. Unfortunately, my happiness was cut short because of a stupid throat clearing.

I look back at the boy who's been helping me out for the past twenty minutes and raise my eyebrow. "What?" I ask defensively.

Charlie shakes his head at me, a disapproving look evident on his features. "Well, first of all, what hell is this? Secondly, why do you have a bunch of tools, steel and metal and wood? Are you planning some kind of murder? And three, I think you need to lift more weights." He then follows short monologue with a laugh.

"One, it's for the plan, idiot. Two, we'll use it for the decorations so you won't look like a complete moron. And three, no. I am so stronger than you. See this?" I flex my arm, showing off my non-existant muscles. He snorts at that. "You ain't got that!" I brag further. Another snort. I'm about to turn around to grab my list of "things to create" but Charlie's arm flexing begged me to stop at all costs. I try not to let my gaze magnetize to it but it doesn't work. I end up gawking at it. A laugh escapes from Charlie and I pull myself together. The more I drool, the bigger his ego. "You're right, I don't, because I'm pretty sure I've got more."

So much for not letting his ego get bigger.

I shuffle away from Charlie as I search for my little red bag. A couple of seconds tick by and I spot it on the floor. "Aha!" I say as I pick it up and grab the list. I hear footsteps trailing behind me and I twist around to face him completely. "So here's the thing, we're going t-"

"Is it just the two of us?" Charlie asks with a thoughtful look on his face. I shake my head at him. "Who else is helping out?"

I chew on my bottom lip, listing the names in my head first. "There's Cindy, Benjie, Diana, and the twins, Hector and Henry," I say, waiting for him to respond.

Unexpectedly, he chuckles. "Of course," he mutters under his breath. Noticing my confusion, he smirks at me. "The twins, El. The twins always help you out."

This time, I laugh at him. "Yes, that totally made sense, Charlie," I reply with sarcasm, thinking about what he said inside my head.

The twins... Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with those two. They're identical; both have the exact same eye - jade green - and hair colour - dirty blonde. Not to mention the same slender kind of muscular built. They both do surfing and skateboarding too. Their haircuts are different, so you can kind of tell them apart. Hector prefers the intentionally messy look, while, Henry likes the whole "I-parted-it-on-the-side-but-I-ran-a-hand-through-it" kind of look. They shine in their own way in sports as well. Hector plays soccer and basketball,whereas, Henry is into baseball and swimming. Their personalities aren't too far apart but they always tell everyone that Henry's the artistic comedian and Hector's the smart musician.

Charlie grins at me, throwing a crumpled piece of coloured paper at me. "Hey!" I snap, glaring at him.

"Think about it, kiddo. Henry and Hector, they've always seemed like your loyal servants. Go on..."

I scrunch my nose, thinking of what he said. "They're always nice, trying to teach me stuff like their hobbies, or school stuff." I stare at Charlie for a moment, wondering what he's trying to say. But then, something clicked and I knew exactly what he's trying to tell me. "Do you mean...?"

He nods, chuckling. "They still fight over you, you know?" he says, staring off into the distance as if he's imagining the twins. "Remember in third grade, they were both trying to get you to pair up with one of them but they ended up together and you ended up by yourself?"

I laugh, reminiscing what happened. It wasn't much, just a small art project about an animal of your choice. I remember the two trying to convince me that one's better than the other. The teacher got annoyed and I was left to fend for myself. How tragic. "Why wouldn't I?"

Before Charlie could answer, people start barging in the room. Cindy walks in first, followed by the twins, and the lovey-dovey couple, Ben and Diana. I wave at them, flashing a small smile. We then begin the different projects we need to work on. The twins are in charge of the metal and wood art, Ben and Charlie are making all the faux survival stuff, and us girls are going to do all the other smaller decorations. At first the guys complained, but after a little bit of explaining and some glitter, they backed off.

Two hours of non-stop productivity later, we're all exhausted and ready to go home. Since Charlie and Cindy have a family thing tonight, they left earlier. Diana and Ben, on the other hand, are going out on a date. So, that leaves me with Hector and Henry. Good thing they live quite close to me. The Ashtons live right across the street, which is really convenient.

"Did you bring a car?" I ask, hoping they'd say yes. Cindy drove me and my materials here but she had to go back to get some of hers. Now, I don't have a ride. They shake their heads, laughing at me.

"Sorry, Eli. You know we like to skate most of the time, right?" Henry asks, grabbing his board.

"Don't worry, I can walk," I reason but I already know what's coming next.

Hector smiles at his brother and they share a short twin telepathy moment. "We brought you your reserved Pennyboard. You can use that, right?"

I frown at the two blondes in front of me.

Too bad you're outnumbered, just give up already!

I groan and mumble, "Fine, but if I fall over again, that's the end of it." The twins nod, their green eyes twinkling with delight.

The three of us ride our respective boards to our homes while talking about the norm. We used to hang out all the time, but when they started doing lots of activities, we kind of lost out tight-knitted group. I hung out with Cindy more and they hung out with their teammates more. I guess nothing really lasts for too long. Except for stuff like air, of course. Once we finally arrive in front of our homes, I hop off the Penny and handed it to Henry. We said our "bye's" and "see you later's", then went our separate ways. As I shut the door behind me, my mother clears her throat.

Again with the throat clearing?

"Elouise Maree, where were you?" she asks in a serious tone, meaning she means business.

"Doing a project with the twins-"

I was cut off by her giant smile that borderline creepy.

"I knew the three of you would reunite again!" she chirps, the creepy smile still lingering on her lips. For some reason Mom thinks that I'll one day end up marrying both of the twins. You heard me, both. Yes, that was me gagging in the background.

"I'm tired, Mom. We've been working for two hours straight. We can talk some other time," I explain, careful not to use the word "tomorrow". Knowing her, she'll actually push me off the bed just for a detailed account of what happened today. Mom nods and I trudge slowly up the staircase. Penny's stereo is blasting the song "Pretty Girl Rock" and I facepalm myself, wanting to get some peace and quiet. Yet, I'm deprived of that too.

What a day, I thought once I was fresh and ready for bed. Tomorrow id going to be another boring day at Lincoln Bay High. I clamp my eyes shut and start drifting of to sleep, but then I got a message on my phone. I thought it's important, so I opened it - temporarily blinding myself in the process.

Saw you fall on your butt! HAHAHA, idiot. :D

It's Charlie. Annoying me at one in the freaking morning!

Alright, that's it. I'm killing him first thing in the morning.

* * *

Short but yeah. Still editing chapters.

Hector (Jack/right) and Henry (Finn/left) are on the side. So is the song Valerie by Amy Winehouse!

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My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now