My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 17

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Chapter 17

"Hey, beautiful," Andrew greets with a smile that has the power to turn you into melted butter.

I blush a little, acting all coy. "Hello. You look really nice tonight," I compliment.

His smile widens at that and he replies, "Gotta make you like me, right?"

My mouth dropped when he uttered those six simple words. "Uh, yeah."

"C'mere," he commands gently, offering one of his warm hands.

Slowly, I reached out to him. When our were fingers finally molded together, he pulled me to him. Drew envelopes me in one of the most heart-warming hugs of all time, but it's when he pulls away that's got my pulse racing. His brilliant blue eyes sparkle with happiness and with that, he leans in for the kill. I close my eyes, hoping for the best. His breath was warm; I can feel it. And, finally, his lips touched my...forehead. It was sweet, cute actually. It wasn't too quick that I'd think I imagined the whole thing. It lasted long enough for me to find it endearing. I sigh with contenment with my eyelids still closed.

"Eli, you're drooling."

Wait a minute. Is that..?

"Dude, wake up already!" Charlie hisses at me.

I shot up into a sitting position, which isn't exactly the best idea. I rub my eyes, wondering if I was dreaming or not. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw Charlie. His dark hair was as dishevelled as ever and his clothes were all wrinkly. My guess was that he ran here from their house after he woke up. He had a frown on his face, that much I could tell. I thought about why he's upset and came up with the possibility that maybe it was because we weren't okay. But, I really doubt that.

"Well, I'm up," I mumble groggily, falling back on my bed.

"You need to move over," he demands, giving me an authorative look.

"Go sleep on your own bed."

"I can't," he replies, both defeated and irritated.

"Are you kidding me? It's like two in the freaking morning. We have school tomorrow and you're busy wasting my sleep!" I whisper-yell, partially afraid that my parents would hear us. "How'd you get in here anyway?"

Charlie sighs, pointing at the window. "You left it open. Eli, what if Eric comes back? He could've been here, not me!"

I snort, rolling my sleepy eyes. "First of all, I don't have time for your preaching. Second of all, I haven't seen Eric know, the party. And lastly, can we talk about this in the morning? I honestly don't want people to see me as a sleep-deprived zombie in the morning."

He nods, nudging me to move and I do. I can hear him muttering something about me always being cute anyway while I put the pillow barrier in between us with the hope that it stays there until tomorrow.

Hey, where's the annoying beeping sound?

I guess I'm not complaining, but I never wake up before the alarm.

There's a first for everything...but I never wake up before the alarm.

I never wake up before the damn alarm! Open your eyes, woman!

My eyes open so quickly that I get black spots in my blurry vision. I rub them gently, trying to get them to work properly. After a few seconds, they do. I twist around and shake Charlie's arm anxiously. He groans and buries his face in his hands. I don't relent until he's as awake as an owl at night.

"What now?" he complains, most likely shooting me with a gun in his mind.

I stealthily glance at my phone, noting the time - ten twenty-one in the morning. "Because...we're missing out on school."

"School?" he asks in disbelief.

I scoffed, partially wanting to pull my hair out. "Yes, school. Like a place for learning," I state in a matter-of-fact tone.

Charlie hits me with one of my smaller pillows. "No, Eli-bell. I meant, why didn't you wake me up?!"

"Let me get this straight," I pause for no more than two seconds, "you ran here in the middle of the night. You begged me to let you sleep in my bed. Then, you nag about not being able to wake you up?"

Charlie only nods, as if he's happy that I'm just understanding the situation. I wanted to sock him in the face. Period.

"Sorry, King Charles the Five Hundred and Seventh! Go set your own alarm. Better yet, go use your own mattress."

I have to admit, that's one of the most weirdest comebacks I've ever thought of. Not to mention that it was a total failure - but I won't tell him that.

I walk to the kitchen in haste, wanting to know if there was a good explanation for my missing alarm clock. And, guess what? There was a pink, scented note stuck in the smack-bang-middle of our refridgerator. I grab it slowly, taming my anger. I'm not a morning person, and I never will be.

Dearest Elouise,

If you're reading this, just know that I am incredibly sorry. First thing's first, take deep breaths to calm yourself. Secondly, I broke your alarm. So when I tried to wake you up...I saw your...friend. I didn't want to get in the way of your cuteness. I took a photo by the way. I also sent it to you and Charlie. You're lucky Mom and Dad didn't check up on you. Well, I hope you come to school because I don't want you getting pregnant, twinny.

PS. You owe me big time for not telling the 'rents.



I put the abomination on the counter, trying not to do anything I'd regret later on. Charlie walks on by and he looks at me curiously. I frown and just hand him the note. To be honest, I thought he'd be gone by now.

"If you need me, I'll be planning a murder. Oh, and you owe me an explanation," I say in a sickly sweet voice before I disappear from my friend's line of vision.

I better get going. After all, my kind-hearted sister did want me to go see her at school. And that I will.

* * *

Hey! :)

Penelope and Come & Get It by Selena Gomez are in the multimedia!

Update's a tad bit late and I'm sorry.

I've had both writer's block and travelling on my plate, so I couldn't help it.

Let's face it, this one's a filler. So I'll make the next one more eventful. c:

Dedication: HannaOuO - thank you for voting! I really appreciate it. <3

Okay, byeeee!


My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now