My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 10

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Chapter 10

Yeah, maybe my plan was quite expensive and a little unachievable, but so what? There's nothing that I wouldn't do to hold up my end of the bargain. If anything, I'm the type of person who doesn't want to owe other people - especially an apology.

Okay, let's backtrack a little bit.

So, I told Charlie what my plan is. My plan was to get them on a "love boat" and intentionally get them stranded. It wouldn't be that far, just a regular beach. My sister only goes to one beach in particular, so... If we get her "lost" in another beach, Charlie would be the only one she could depend on. He'll be her knight in shining armour. Or you know, board shorts and Ray Ban sunglasses.

This particular beach that I know has two different worlds on each side. One side has the resort and everything fancy, but take a semi-long walk across the weird jungle and bam, you're in a strange deserted beach. I know for a fact that Penny wouldn't walk into a germ-infested place. So that settles it. I got the idea from some movie and I thought, why not? Now, if only Charlie agrees to my genius, then everything would just be dandy.

"Seriously, dude!" I protest, slumping on the sofa. It's past noon and he still hasn't replied a sweet 'yes' or 'okay' or even a nod of his head. Idiot. I bet he wouldn't realise that the girl in front of him was 'The One' even if she had a massive sign on her forehead that said "Charlie Fellows's Soulmate" in big bold letters. And no, I wasn't talking about me.

"What?" Charlie snaps out of his daydream and looks at me pointedly.

I face palm myself. "Fellows, just answer the damn question. Yes or no?" I growled, losing all my patience with him. It's a simple question. All he had to do was say a word. A word, dammit!

He sighs, looking defeated. Why he looks defeated is beyond me. I mean, he's been dying to date my twin since kinder. What could possibly be stopping him now?

Maybe it's you, says a voice in my head.

I snorted. Think what you want.

You do know that I'm a part of your brain, right? So technically, you're the one thinking that.

You're not me. You're one of those stupid overhead commentators!

"Earth to Elouise! Earth to Elouise! Yoo-hoo?"

That snapped me back to reality.

Charlie was snapping his fingers in front of my face, crouched down opposite me. I sat up at the same time he decided to stand up. And...our skulls collided in a not-so-pleasant fashion. I winced, glaring at the floor.

"You have a really hard head, Walton," he deadpanned. He was clutching his forehead, just like I was.

I stood up and walked past him. "I'll go get some ice."

As I was grabbing two ice packets, the telephone rang. I close the fridge and wipe my hand on a towel. "Yellow?" I say, looking out the window.

"Is Charlie at your house?" says Cindy. I don't how she knew but she hit the nail on the head alright.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah," I said.

"Thought so..." I heard her mutter.

"Are your parents worried?" I quickly ask, glancing at the living room.

"Not really. I told them he was at a friend's." I nodded even though she can't see me.

"Is that all?" I inquired.

"Nope, I just have to know what he's doing there. Don't tell me you two are an item now!"

I gulped. Nope, we aren't. I didn't want her to formulate any false accusations, so I told Cindy about my diabolical plan of action and how Charlie ended up here from last night until right now. She was a good listener, just like Charlie, so I had no trouble spewing my guts out. She laughed a few times and kept quite at other times. Unfortunately for her, I left out the part where her brother and I slept beside each other. I don't think she'd approve of that. Even I, myself, don't approve of it.

"Alright, I gotta go. I don't want to increase the telephone bill for another five hundred dollars," she joked. I laughed, checking the clock.

"It wasn't that long!" I replied, sounding unconvincing. An hour has passed and we didn't even notice.

"Tell me more some other time, okay? Bye, Eli."

"Bye, Cindy." And with that, I hang up.

The ice had already melted. I grabbed two new ones and nearly gasped when I saw Charlie's forehead. He had a massive shadow of a soon-to-be purple bruise. I throw him the pack and he caught it easily because of his good reflexes. I sat beside him and rest my head back, an ice packet on my forehead. We sat there for a few minutes, silence occupying the house.

"Okay, Eli," he paused, looking at me sternly. "I'll do it."

I nodded, my heart sinking a little. I honestly am all for Team Channy, but there's this part of me, a part of me that's rooting for another couple. It's the stupid, illogical part, but it's still there. It's that part of me that wishes he'd say no; that part of me that hopes that he'd root for our team. Me and him. Charlie and Elouise. But that was nothing. It's probably my brain trying to convert our friendship into something more.

So, I put on my brave face and manufacture a bitter smile. "Here's what we have to do..."

* * * * *

Hey, what are you guys up to?

The song Secrets by One Republic and Cindy are on the side!

I hope you liked this chapter. This was mostly a filler, but I updated and that's good, right?

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Have a nice day or a good night, whichever! ;)


My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now