My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 32

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Chapter 32

Two days.

For two days, I continously thought about Charlie's words. They didn't seem to hold any other meaning, apart from what they actually were. It wasn't suppose to be up for discussion either. So, why did I choose not to speak to him for two whole days? Not when they announced the new challenge - which was cooking, by the way. And, not when I realized I should probably ask him for help with revising, because we had an upcoming test in Chemistry. I didn't even tell him that I received a call that said I got the job at the ice cream shop just a few minutes before he arrived. It was like our relationship sort of came to a momentary standstill; although, we weren't really heading anywhere in particular. So, in other words our standstill became an even less progressive standstill.

As I lugged my belongings to my next class, I slipped into one of those are-you-for-real moods. I found a very pretty Anna Stanton leaning on the wall, with Drew standing idly to her side. I tried my best to walk past them without so much as getting noticed, but, as you've probably concluded by now, I wasn't the stealthiest girl out there. Instead of swiftly and silently going around them, I ended up stumbling over my shoe laces. With a couple squeaky, ungraceful trips, their heads snapped to look in my direction.

I've got my back to them. I should be fine, I attempted to reassure myself.

"Are you alright, Elouise?" Drew asked with a layer of mild concern.

I guess I have a distinct back.

I froze, then twisted around to look back at him. "Yeah, the floor was just...slippery. They probably mopped it earlier," I reasoned, a shameful expression on my face.

I practically speed walked the rest of the way to my English class. Hopefully, I wouldn't get in trouble.

As I wandered inside the classroom shyly, the teacher didn't bother asking me why I was six minutes late for class. Luckily, nobody apart from Cindy acknowledged me. Her eyes were slightly narrowed at me and I felt as if I knew what she was about to tell me. I took the spot beside hers.

Immediately, Cindy whispered, "Does it ever occur to you how much of an idiot you are?"

I stared at her in surprise and confusion. "Did you-"

"Yeah, I saw that; I saw you tripping on flat land, Walton."

I groaned, closing my eyes in embarrassment. "Just shut up, okay?" I hushedly muttered to her.

A part of me was relieved that she didn't question Charlie and I's very recent weird behaviour. It sort of saddened me that I didn't get to tell her all about it, but I knew there was an imaginary boundary between me, her best friend, and, well, her brother. So, in the long run, I felt like keeping my mouth shut was only for the best.

I struggled to stay awake in class, but once I tuned in to what Mr Oliver was saying, I was compelled to listen. Like Mr Corby, Mr Oliver made lessons fun. His passion lies in English, whilst Mr C adored Chemistry. Obviously, I love English more because I actually get it, but it was a coincidence that the two were related. They even had similar teaching styles.

"Yesterday, I rewatched the latest version of The Great Gatsby and so, I got inspired," he told us, his face a mixture of thoughtfulness and curiosity.

Looking at Mr O, it was obvious that being tall was a family trait. He wasn't quite as tall as Mr C, but he couldn't be any shorter than six foot four. And, while Mr Corby was young and had sandy hair, Mr Oliver was older and had graying dark locks. He has this air of sophistication about him too. I honestly think he could fit in with the people from the classy 20s. Always calm, collected, and smooth, that Mr Oliver.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now