MBFB Valentine's Chapter

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(Late) Valentine's Chapter


"So, what happens when you add a cataract?" Elouise asks, looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

Staring at her up close...she looks like the same girl I've always known. She had the same striking eyes, the same brown hair, everything. I smiled, not being able to stop myself from doing what I did next. I laughed and flicked her nose. "That's catalyst, you moron."

Eli leaned away from me and sneered, her eyes narrowed considerably. "Oh, I'm sorry. We can't all be smart like you," she grumbles sarcastically.

I let out chuckle and shake my head. "Well, a catalyst," I begin, "speeds up the chemical reaction." She glares at me, but I saw the confusion behind her bright, blazing eyes. Eli's slower than a seven-year-old when it comes to all things chemistry. Maybe she needs more brain cells...but I don't think we can buy her some. Although, we can buy her brain food. That will definitely work too - at least I hope it would.

"I know what a catalyst is, Charlie," she retorts in a duh tone, but I don't believe it.

"Sure you do, Eli-cat. Anyway, do you wanna go get something to eat first?" I offered, packing up my textbooks. She nodded and we walk all the way to one of her favorite cafés.

Café Luisiana is a little business owned by an old married couple. Cindy always said they were like the characters from Disney's Up. I suppose they are in a way - not looks wise, but in the always happy and full of life department. The shop in itself, had a peaceful feel to it. It had a splash of vintage, but nothing too extreme. Simple yet homey. I liked the place a lot. Cindy does too, but she describes it cute. I won't, I'd call it cozy.

The little bell chimes as I open the door and step inside. There are a few couples sitting around, looking whipped and in love. I could barf, but I won't. It's Valentine's Day, I'll cut them some slack. Elouise trails behind me, marvelling about the decorations and the overall romantic vibe floating around the room. I cough, hoping that we didn't look like a couple.

"I just love Café Luisiana!" Eli whisper-yells at me with a big, goofy grin. Then, she starts making her way to the front of the counter and eyeing all the sweets and pastries the café has to offer. I follow suit, knowing exactly what I wanted.

The girl behind the counter seemed about our age. Her hair was very light shade of blonde and her eyes were a dark blue. For a second, I thought she was the perfect mix of Penelope and Elouise. I knew better; the hair was too light and so were the eyes. It was nothing like Penny's lustrous mane, nor Eli's hypnotizing lenses. The blonde smiles at me and I return it.

"Hi, what can I get you?" she said, a flirty smile gracing her lips.

I cleared my throat, trying to get Eli's attention. "I'll have a regular capuccino and three mixed berry muffins with cream on the side," I state with a smile. I look back at my companion and am not surprised that she is still scanning the food.

"Is that all?" the girl asks, her demeanor still playful.


"Charlie, are you ordering yet?" Eli interjected, glancing at the desserts before walking over to my side. I nodded and her face brightened up a bit more.

The girl behind the counter's cheeks flush red when she saw Eli. Her eyes also widened and she looked a bit apologetic. "I, uh, I'm sorry. What can I get you, miss?"

"Vanilla milshake with ice cream on top please. I'll also get a slice of mocha sponge cake with cream and strawberries," Eli replied with a shy smile.

The girl nodded and I pay for our food. As she was handing me the change, she bit her lip and mumbled, "I'm really sorry that I flirted with you. I thought you were alone. I didn't realize you had a girlfriend." Then, the girl looks down and glances at Elouise. "I really didn't mean to flirt your boyfriend," she added nervously.

I nearly scoffed, but laughed anyway. I saw Eli's eyes widen a fraction and her mouth go slack. "Don't worry we're ju-" Elouise starts, but I cut her off.

"No, that's fine. No harm done," I assure, wrapping an arm around Eli's shoulders and trying not to burst out laughing.

I can feel Eli struggling beside me, so I quickly let go and grab our tray of delicacies. We sit down on a love seat and I put the tray down on the mahogany coffee table - the exact same color as my hair. The two of us eat and chat for a while, but afterwards, we were feeling a bit sleepy. So, I spread my arms wide and lean back, snuggling to the soft seat. Elouise took my actions as a cue, even though it wasn't meant to. She nestles on my side and lays her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulders and close my eyes. She'll probably do the same soon. We're too drained to not take a nap. I let out a long yawn and Eli laughed quietly. The way we were sitting was surprisingly comfortable. The soothing ambiance helped too.

"I didn't think I'd be spending Valentine's Day with you. I was hoping you could hang out with Pen," Elouise murmurs softly, almost sound half asleep.

I thought I'd be spending Valentine's with my bed after school. I guess not. "That's okay, El. There's always next year," I answer sleepily.

This time, she yawns. "But I'm glad I'm with you."

"I'm glad too. Happy Valentine's Day, Eli-bell," I say, kissing her on the side of her head.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie."

Before I slipped into complete unconsciousness, I heard the faint sound of a click and a shutter. Then, I saw a flash behind my lids. I knew someone took a photo of us. The owners probably, but I'm not sure. But, at that moment, I didn't care. I was comfortable, I was cozy, and I was tired. I don't care if we looked like a PDA hungry couple. I just wanted to sleep with one of my good friends in my arms. I can worry about the deal later. For now, it's just me and Eli, sleeping on a couch at Café Luisiana on Valentine's Day. It was unusual, but it happened. I guess I'm kind of glad it did.

* * *

Reminder: this is only an extra, not part of the actual plot.

Of course, Charlie is on the side! So is the cute song Valentine by Kina Grannis!

And, yes, it is in Charlie's point of view! :D

Dedicated to my awesome friend Ebony (Hey, Eb!) and iGottaKnow who had been reading and voting from the beginning. c:

I hope you all enjoyed it. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!


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