Shield Me

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Two vodka soda's later I was feeling particularly buzzed and the problems from the day earlier were fading behind the fog of the alcohol. Jared snorted loudly beside me when I told him my best puns.

"It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it." I laughed at my own horrible joke before spouting out more.

"Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?" Jared burst out laughing as I giggled at the bad pun.

"Wait! I have one! Did you hear the joke about pizza? Oh wait I can't tell it, it's too cheesy!"

I slapped the bar in attempt not to choke as I laughed hysterically. That was the fun thing about Jared, even if we weren't drinking we'd be having fun. He's just like that, he can always put people in a good mood...well other than Caleb and Drew.

"Oh shit..i should probably turn my phone on so all the messages can file in." Holding my finger over the power button, I watched the screen light up as it slowly started up.

"Lets make this interesting. I bet you get..." he thought for a second, "6 missed calls, and fifteen texts. Closest guess wins, loser buys the other a soda."

I laughed at the payment before agreeing, "Okay, I bet 5 missed calls, and..." I assessed how mad I thought Drew would be, "twenty...two texts."

Jared nodded before we both turned out eyes on the phone, which was buzzing incessantly. After another thirty seconds the buzzing stopped and I unlocked the screen, turning it to Jared so we could both see the numbers.

"Winner!" I yelled excitedly, "5 missed calls and twenty-three texts!"

"That was an eerily close guess." Jared pointed out.

"Well im used to pissing him off! And I'll take a mountain dew please." I smiled innocently.

Pulling into the drive way I glanced at the door nervously before looking back at Jared. "Are you going to be okay to drive home?" I asked concerned. We had sat at the bar for another twenty minutes while Jared chugged water and had a small cup of coffee to try and quickly sober up.

"Yeah I'm good, I have a pretty high tolerance." He winked.

I leaned forward and gave him quick hug and thank you before escaping the car, only to head into a probable war zone.

Sighing I opened the front door and stepped quietly inside. Slipping out of my shoes and jacket I could hear the TV from the living room. All was quiet. I knew they were furious, but also concerned. Drew's messages had ranged fromI'm sorry that happened please call me. ToWhat the hell Kira?! What is wrong with you? Call me NOW. While Caleb's had seemed concerned with underlying anger at my disappearance.

Deciding that it wouldn't do any good to prolong it I stepped into the living room and took a seat in the recliner next to the couch that the boys were occupying, still staring straight ahead. I tucked my knees up to my chest and watched them, waiting.

Finally after another minute of nothing but the TV to fill the tensed silence Drew sighed heavily, drawing as hand across his face before turning to Caleb, then both of them turning to me. Eyes scanning my appearance, trying to decide if I was drunk or not.

"I'm not drunk." I answered their silent question. Both boys relaxed a little in relief.

"So you didn't drink then?" Caleb asked hopefully.

"No I drank, just only two glasses."

"Only two glasses?" Drew chimed in. "Dammit Kira..." He trailed off. "You shouldn't be drinking at all."

"Neither should you guys but that doesn't stop you."

Drew and Caleb's eyes both flared. "Yes but at least we're responsible about it!" Drew yelled.

"Oh yes Drew you're the master of responsibility. Always throwing parties where I end up cleaning most of the puke off the bathroom floor while you and Caleb nurse your hangover of kick the latest girl out of your room. Both of you." I turned my eyes to Caleb who flinched back slightly, knowing it was true.

Drew sighed, "Who were you even with?"

It was my turn to flinch, knowing they would not like the answer. "Jared..."

"WHAT?!" This time it was Caleb's turn to yell. "What the hell Kira?! You know he likes you! You guys made out on the kitchen counter for god sake! Did you kiss tonight too?!"

Now it was my turn. "How DARE you accuse me of cheating on you! I would never do that and you know it! He found me upset and offered to take me out! It's not like that between us, we're friends!"

"Oh..' He laughed humorously, "Friends...okay."

"Yeah and it looks like he's the only person I have left."

Both boys stopped and looked at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Drew asked irritated.

I felt the tears I had been pushing back all night as I got ready to repeat what I had already struggled to tell Jared earlier. "Jude is "sick" of me. Gwen will surely follow behind him. Adam is scared to death of being bullied and will probably dump me as a friend too if I'm the outcast. Mom doesn't care, dad is dead!" Drew and Caleb both visibly flinched. "And you two are leaving! What am I supposed to do? Sit here by myself every day? Listen to the neighbors play outside while I'm here in silence because everybody left me?!" I fell back onto the couch, feeling the sting from the never truer words I'd just spoken.

"Everybody will have left me." The dam I had set up broke, not just broke, it shattered. I felt tears pour down my cheeks as a gut wrenching sob escaped my lips.

"Kira..." I barley heard Caleb as I felt myself be lifted then set onto his lap. Circles were rubbed on my back as I cried into his shoulder.

I don't know how long I cried for, but eventually when it slowed enough I was able to look up to find Drew.

Drew was sat back on the couch, watching me with tears slipping down his flushed cheeks. Understanding my emotions. Holding his arms out at me in offering.

I sprang off Caleb's lap and ran to Drew, his warm, comforting arms wrapping around me tightly. Shielding me from the reality of the situation.

Sorry this is late! I actually wrote it forever ago and forgot! IM SORRY I LOVE YOU DONT HATE ME

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