Do Me the Honor

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I know I'm a douche I'm sorry :( this is the last chapter though so no more waiting for me to update!

"Well congrats brother, you're almost done with first semester and you haven't failed out. Well...not yet atleast." I smiled teasingly at Drew.

"Oh yeah, and how's that history project coming? I wouldn't be teasing other people about failing out when you can't even type 200 words o-"

"You know what I think? I think you can take that congrats I gave you and shove it up yo-"

"Whoa. Baby I don't think I wanna know where that sentence or that congrats was going." Caleb's arms wrapped around my waist from behind, stopping my insult. Though seeing the discomfort on Drew's face, no matter how slight it was, was well worth it.

"Now come on, I got some takeout on the table."

After setting out plates and digging in I found myself smiling at the thought that I was able to be here. Fighting with my brother or not, I'm glad we figured it out. Drew and Caleb accepted at a university close to town and got an apartment on campus. After pulling a few strings I was able to move in with them. Drew begrudgingly lets me use his car to commute the forty minutes to school during the week. It was a long derive to do two times a day, but it was a small price to pay to get to live with the two most important men in my life.

"And then-" Drew paused his story to laugh, "He stood up and started yelling at the Econ teacher that his father would be hearing about this." (Draco Malfoy anyone?)

"I know that kid! He's in my Psych class!" Caleb exclaimed while trying to contain the tears of laughter at the corner of his eyes.

"I shit you not. The teacher rolled his eyes and mumbled something about his 'dad can do somethin' if you know what I mean!" By this point we were all holding out sides in pain from laughing.

After wiping off the table and putting the dishes in the wash I headed to Caleb and I's room. Yes. OUR room. It took a few days of arguing and a lot of yelling but Drew let off the reigns and agreed to let Caleb and I have a room together. He didn't have much of a choice was either with Caleb or Drew. And no one wanted me to room with Drew. I shuddered just thinking about it. I love my brother, but ew.

I stepped in just as Caleb pulled up his pajama pants. A blush crept up on my cheeks. I heard a deep chuckle that sent butterflies wild in my stomach. I looked up just as Caleb leaned in, his lips softly kissing my forehead.

"Come on princess, time for bed." Arms went behind my knees as he picked me up bridal style, eliciting a giggle from me. He tossed me playfully on the bed before crawling over me, dragging the covers with him. "Good night beautiful. I love you."

"I love you too." I settled into his warm embrace, letting a happy smile settle onto my face as sleep took over.

5 years later.

"Come on baby take a break. Psychology will still be here when you get back."

I sighed as Caleb's fingers worked out the stress in my shoulders. I had my Psychology final in two days, It was my senior final. The last class to pass before I could receive my Psychology major and become a counselor. Saying I was stressed was an extreme understatement.

"Fine, you're right. I could use a break."

"Good. I made us plans." Caleb leaned over to peck my cheek, "Go get ready, dress nice."


An hour later we sat laughing at Shannon's. It was a small restaurant Caleb and I had found his freshman year of college. Drew and Caleb had both worked hard in college. Drew had graduated with a major in business and was currently working in a firm in Boston. Caleb had majored in Sports Medicine and found a job at a hospital in town, staying here while I finished my education. We had come to this reesutraunt to escape a lot. The staff here knew us and our orders by heart. I had some of my best memories with Caleb here.

"Remember that time Shirley came over with the milkshakes and spilled yours all over you? She couldn't stop apologizing and you couldn't stop laughing." Smiling at the memory and my favorite quirky waitress I nodded.

"She felt so bad, but her face was just too funny." Caleb laughed, thought it sounded almost like his nervous laugh. Looking at him skeptically I let it pass.

"Well hey love doves. What am I getting for ya?" Sandy, another of the usual waitresses asked.

Before I could speak Caleb took over, "I think we'll just have dessert today. Maybe two butterscotch milkshakes?" His voice wavered a bit as he glanced at me hurriedly. I looked at Sandy confused, though she looked at Caleb strangely too.

"Aaalllright. Ill be back with those in a few." Grabbing the menus she headed back toward the kitchen.

"Hey baby I'm sorry, ill be right back, I just need to use the restroom." Without waiting for a response he sprang up and dashed off.

Maybe he had to pee really bad. I thought to myself with a shrug. Looking outside I felt a calm wash over me. The restaurant sat over the edge of a hill giving a clear view of the moonlight city below.

I felt a peck on my cheek as Caleb sat back down. Smiling, I leaned across the table and pressed my lips to his lightly. He smiled lovingly at me. "I love you."

"I love you too Cal-"

I was interrupted by our milkshakes being set down. I looked up to thank Sandy but stopped once I saw the wider than usual grin she was giving me before rushing to a group of workers who all sat looking over at us excitedly.

Shrugging it off I reached for my straw, only to be stopped by a glint of silver. My heart stopped as a breath left my lips in surprise.

Around the straw sat a silver banded ring. A beautiful diamond in the center, glinting off the light. My hands shook as I picked it up, raising my head to look at Caleb.

His eyes shone as he gently took the ring from my fingers and knelt down beside the table. "Kira. Ive thought about this moment for so long. I've thought what i8 wanted to say.." he paused nervously, "and now I can't really remember," I let out a choked laugh as tears sprang in my eyes. "All I know is how insanely much I love you, and that I want nothing more than to make you mine forever. So, Kira, will you do me, the biggest honor, of becoming my wife?"

Without answering I wrapped my arms around him and crashed my lips to his. I could feel his body relax as he kissed me back.

Pulling away he laughed, "So is that a yes?"

I laughed while wiping away the tears of joy, "Of course it's a yes you bug dumby."

Cheers erupted from all around as the cold metal slipped over my finger. Sealing my fate and making me the happiest woman alive.

This is it. The end. It's bittersweet to be done with M.B.B.F. but I'm so thankful for all of you that stuck with me and the story even through my nonexistent updates. I love you all so much and thank you again ! Hopefully I'll write another story, I guess we'll have to see ;)

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