The first kind of dates are the best kind of dates

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Kira's POV:

The sound of the door bell woke me up from my nap, i begrudgingly got up from my warm spot on the couch and made my way to the door. Though when i saw who was behind it i felt much better about waking up.

"Well hey there hot stuff," I smiled and gave Caleb a quick peck on the cheek as he let himself in. "What are you doing here? Shouldnt you be off with Drew somewhere?"

He smiled and shook his head, "Nope, Drew has work untill late tonight..which give me the perfect opportunity to ask you on out first date." He gave me a sly smile as i stood there and gaped at him.

"Our- first date?: i managed to squeak out despite my utter shock.

Caleb just laughed and pushed me towards the stairs, "go get ready, and wear something comfortable to walk in!"

Reality finally set in once i reached my room, i closed the door and sank down to the floor. "Oh. My. God." I took a few deep breaths before i squeeled and lurched for my closet.


Five outfits later i was wearing jean shorts and a white cami with my Dana Point kimono jacket and a side braid with my black vans. (outfit on the side) Proud of my decision i skipped down the stairs and out the door into an awaiting Calebs car.

"Took you long enough" Caleb said as he leaned over the seat to back out, i couldnt help but admire his muscles as he did.

"Well you did spring a date on me, and i am a girl, i should be pissed at you right now for rushing me so id just be counting your blessings buster." I said while glaring at him playfully. He laughed, "True, true i conceed."         we continued driving in comfortable silence untill he pulled into a park surrounded by trees.

I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath of the clean air. Caleb pulled a blanket and a bag out from the backseat and  i looked up at him excitedly, "A picnic?!"

He chuckled his deep sexy chuckle and nodded. Blushing from that glorious sound, we headed out into the park, walking hand in hand, enjoying the peacfulness and each others company.


I know this is very short but ive wrote the ending like five times and it either keeps getting deleted or it doesnt turn out how i like it.. so this is all you get for now... sorry my loves :( 

 Comment and vote for any ideas you have or things you want to see. I'd love to get your guy's criticism on my writing, itll help alot :) <3 love yall and hope your school year is going well so far!

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