Wakey wakey

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Kiras POV

I sat up and groaned as my head throbbed, "what- ugh" i rubbed my

Eyes and blinked, groaning again at the bright lights.

I kicked off the covers and walked downstairs. I stepped into the kitchen and sat down at the counter. I looked up to see Drew glaring at me.

"get it over with."

"what the hell were you thinking! He couldve taken advantage of you! How do we even know he didnt?!"

I slapped my hands over my ears and groaned, could we possibly not get this over with so loudly?"

I heard the front door close, "whats with all the yelling? I can her it outside! Yowza." said caleb walking into the kitchen. "what?" i asked, i turned and looked in the mirror on the wall. "dddddaaannnnngggggg." my eyes were rimmed with smeared with mascara and my hair was knotted up on top of my head.

"yeah, howd i get home last night?"

Drews eyes flashed with furry, "your little friend brought you home, almost got his lights knocked out had Caleb not held me back," ,his gaze flashed to Caleb who held up hands claiming innocence.

"im sorry, i now no the after affects of all that, i honestly don't remember anything after like eleven."

That seemed to make Drew even more angry, he stormed out of the room.


"what?" caleb asked

"my head hurts, i feel sick, Drew's mad at me, and your mad at me," my eyes burned with tears that rolled down my face a second later.

"no! No, no, no!" caleb's arms wrapped around me and i cried into his shirt.


After i was cried out Caleb released me and grabbed my face with his huge soft hands.

"Kira, i could never be mad at you, you made a mistake. So what, everyone does, im just glad that this one didnt end with date rape." he smiled and kissed my cheek, my

Heart rate speed up along with my breathing. He smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

"drink some water!" he called from the living room. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and chugged it down. I walked up stairs and into the bathroom.

I scrubbed my face and teeth, and slowly and painfully detangled my hair.

I refilled my water bottle and filled up the bath tub. Once the tub was full and streaming i peeled of my sweat stiff clothes and sank into the water.

The water burned but it was a godd burn. I sank under the surface and let myslelf relax.

Resurfacing i drank more water and soaked for some time. Once my headache died off and the water cooled j stepped out, drained the tub, and toweled off.

I wrapped myself in a towel and went into my room. I pulled on baggy sweats and tied my wet hair into a bun. I went downstairs to find Caleb sitting on my couch eating chips.

"where drew?"


"well then scoot over moocher." i sat next to Caleb and we snacked on chips.

"wanna have a movie night?"


He chucked and put in iron man. We watched in silence, it was nice just sitting here. Ny eyes began to droop, i laid ny head on his shoulder, his arm slid around me and i smiled.

I drifted off


I woke up a little later to see Caleb looking down at my, sometime while i was asleep my head had shifted to his lap. "what?" i asked.

"you look really cute when you sleep." he chuckled. I laughed and looked up in his soft brown eyes.

He reached down and brushed a hair out of my face, his hand lingered on my cheek. I thought about what he was thinking, was he thinking of me like his sister, or like something else?"

My thoughts were interrupted as his lips met mine. I sucked in a breath and relaxed into the kiss.

So he definetley wasnt thinking of me like his sister then.

He pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled back and slowly drifted to sleep again.


I woke to the feeling of flying. I blinked the sleep on of my eyes and looked o see that i was being carried upstairs by Caleb. I wound my arms around his neck and laid his head on my shoulder.

He laughed and pushed the door to my room open with his other shoulder and laid me on my bed. I felt his lips on my cheek as i faded out again.


A/N: thanks for reading! Im am sssoooooooo sorry its been so long. Ive been really busy with school and sports and all!!! Forgive me! Please comment and vote and ill try to remember o write again as soon as possible! :)

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