Holly balls we're screwed

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Sorry it took so long guys. I had a serious case of writer's block. Still do, but we're going to try anyway. So don't hate me if it sucks.

Claebs POV

Honestly, I was nervous as hell about the date. I had never actually tried for dates before.  I had always put very little thought into them and did things like cliche movie theater dates.

But kira... Kira is different, she's the first girl I've ever really liked, the first one I've ever taken on a real date.

well, let's hope i don't screw this up.

Once we picked up the picnic basket, I grabbed her hands and lead her down the hill. We walked in contentment for a while before either of us spoke.

" thank you." she whispered while blushing. "  for all this,"   she paused and thought.   "This is the most anyone has ever done for me."  She looks down at her shoes shyly.


Her eyes snapped up to mine in confusion. I just smiled slyly. " I want to be the one to make you happy....the one to make you blush like this."

Kira looked shocked at my sudden confession.

Hell, even I was shocked. Since when was I romantic?
Was that too much? I mean this was only the first date... Oh God, I freaked her out didbt i? This is it,  this is the moment where I screw it all up.

My harried thoughts were cut short by her soft lips pressing against my cheek.

It was my turn to blush now as butterflies invaded my stomache.

  Lord, what the hell is happening to me ?! I really have gone soft!

Kira's POV

Caleb, being the gentleman he is, opened the passenger side door for me and I slid in, smiling my thanks. he's really pulling out all the stops tonight. I thought to myself happily. 

Once we were on our way Caleb turned on the radio to fill the silence. there was no small talk to be made between us, we'd known each other since we were kids, we already knew everything about each other.  And the benefit to that is he is already aware that I can't help but sing to the radio despite my ear drum shattering singing skills.

"I get home I got the munchies, binge out on my twinkies, throw up in the tub and I go to sleep!!"

I belt out as I reach for the volume knob.

"Drank up all my money, dazed and kinda lonely. ...but you're gone and I gotta stay HIGH ALL THE TIME! To keep you off my mind, OOH OOH OOH OOH!"

Caleb joins me and my horrid singing on the chorus, shouting out the lyrics dramatically. 

By the end of the song I'm in tears from laughing and Caleb's going a capella on the chorus again. Giving me another cramp of pain in my abdomen as I laugh again.

"oh gosh Caleb sstttooppp!!! it hurts so bad-!" I manage to gasp out between snorts of laughter. 

He chuckles but obliges.  Within another few minutes we've pulled into my driveway and I've calmed enough to talk normally.

Still being polite Caleb opens my door for me and leads me up the front porch steps, turning me toward him at the last step.

"I had a great time tonight-" we say at the same time.

I shake my head and laugh, "well at least we know where we stand"

" Well about where we stand" Caleb gulped nervously, "will you- will you be my girlfriend? " 

I stared at him shocked,  Caleb. having a girlfriend?  I don't think that's happened before. and...with me?!

"I mean if you don't want to its fine I don't wanna push you-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, he stiffened then smiled into the kiss, picking me up and spinning me around.

I laughed gidily as he set me back on my feet. He kissed me once more,"good night girlfriend" he said with a wink while sauntering down the steps.

I watched as he pulled out of the driveway,  my head in the clouds.

Yet as the door opened, I felt my cloud crashing down.  hard.

Because there stood no other than Andrew, looking as pissed as ever.

Holly balls we're so screwed.


I hope you like, and again I'm sooo sorry it took so long to write... I've been so swamped with swim and trying to keep my grades up with looking for colleges... ugh. so sorry again and thanks to those of you who vote and to my faithful readers. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!! BE HONEST!  it's important for a writer to get critiqued :)  Sleep tight and sweet dreams my lovlies!!!    xoxoxoxo

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