Looking Fine

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The rest of the weekend flew by, and before I knew it, my alarm clock was screaming at me to wake up. I groggily slapped it off and rolled out of bed and onto the floor. I groaned and trudged over to my closet where I pulled out my light blue fitted tank top and s pair of shorts, it was supposed to be hot today.

After I got dressed and curled my hair into loose long curls. I brushed on some silver eye shadow, and applied eye liner with a gentle hand. I put on mascara, making my lashes long and thick. I looked happily at my reflection, I felt good, I looked good, today was goanna be good.

I put on my silver Toms and went downstairs. I grabbed a bagel from the bread drawer and spread some cream cheese in a generous amount. I stuffed a few bites in my mouth and walked into the living room to see Andrew passed out on the couch.  I laughed to my self and wiped my finger across my bagel.

Sneaking quietly up the drew, I reached down slowly to his ear, and shoved my cheese covered finger in, a new version of a wet willie he used t give me constantly.

Drew sprang off the couch howling. He stopped thrashing and looked over at me, bewildered. I fell the the floor screaming in laughter.

"Kira!!!!"  Drew ran over to where I was laying on the floor and sat on me, and began tickling my ribs

I screamed and thrashed, pounding his legs with my fists. I felt Drew being lifted off me.

"Let the girl breathe Drew, dang!"  Caleb's sweet laughter filled my ears and I tried to breathe normaly. I wiped the tears from my face and sprang up and gasped "Your better not have ruined my make up."

Both boys rolled their eyes "You look fine," They said in unison. They looked over at each other, Drew shook his head and walked into the kitchen.

Caleb looked over at, trying to suppress a smirk, "I didn't know you were that ticklish"

"Shut up," I blushed

"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute." His smile was so warm, I thought I  was going to melt.

I blushed a brighter red and shuffled over to the couch and sat down, flicking on the television. The news came on and the new female reporter began a story about a new homeless shelter. I pretended to be watching the tv, and not watching Caleb in my peripherals. He was looking at his reflection in the mirror, he looked almost nervous as he rearranged his hair.

"You getting hot to ask out Chastity today?" Drew teased from the doorway, I tensed up at her name and so did Caleb, he shot a glance over to me,

"I don't think so." I relaxed at his words.

"whatever, man, your on something if you don't want to." Drew walked towards the front door and grabbed his keys from the hook, "Lets go kiddies."


I stepped over the threshold of my English classroom right as the bell rang, Mr. Quinn gave me a warning look as I made my way to my seat. I set out my pencil and notebook as Mr. Quinn began his lesson, I looked up to see a few boys glancing my way.  I immediately sank in my seat, wondering what was on my face, I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Claire a row over and two seats up from me... do I have anything on my face? there are people staring...

I saw her hand slip into her pocket a minute later, pulling out her phone. She glanced back at me, looking me over, and smiled.   My phone buzzed in my hand, I quickly read the message, No hunny, you just look good today, new guy?

I smiled and shook my head, Just feeling good :)

well im glad, because as you just learned, when you feel good, you tend to look good, so keep up with whatevers doing this to ya :)

I smiled and tucked my phone back in my bag, and tried to concentrate on the lesson.


Caleb's POV

I walked into screaming, I was a little freaked out at frist until I saw it was Kira and Drew, I tossed Drew off Kira. "Let the girl breathe Drew, dang!"  I laughed at the sight of Kira's bright red face.  She sat up and rubbed her eye, then froze, "Your better not have ruined my make up." I rolled my eyes, I don't know why she worried, she was absolutely beautiful. "You look fine," Drew and I said at the same time, dang that was creepy.

Drew went into the kitchen and I was left with Kira, whose face had returned to its normal color, only to redden again when she saw I was looking at her. I tried no to smile too much, "I didn't know you were that ticklish".

She turned an even darker shade of red, "Shut up," She nervously shuffled over to the couch. I had to admit, she looked amazing today, Im not sure what was different, but there was something new. I took her distraction as my chance to fix myself up, I was sure I looked pretty bad, and I did not want that, not in front of Kira.

Drew chose that moment to walk in and sat the exact wrong thing,  "You getting hot to ask out Chastity today?" I saw Kira sit up straighter out of the corner of my eye, crap.

"I don't think so." I couldn't let Drew know I liked Kira, at least, not yet. I just hoped she understood what I meant.

"whatever, man, your on something if you don't want to." Drew walked towards the front door and grabbed his keys from the hook, "Lets go kiddies." '

I shook my head at his comment and followed him out.


I walked behind Kira on the way to first period. I watched as every male head turned in her direction, some gazes lower than others. My blood boiled as I tried to contain myself. They shouldn't be looking at her like that. She was NOT theirs, she was mine, not yet, but she would be.  

I heard a whistle next to me, I turned to see a sophomore watching as she walked by, "Dddddaaannnnnggggg mama," His voice dropped an octive.

That's it, im done with this trash. I spun to my side, so I was face to face with the pervert. I grabbed the front of his shirt in a ball and backed him up against the locker, "You wanna talk like that to her again dirtbag?!"

He stared at me blankly, his eyes wide. I pushed him back against the locker, hearing a clang as his head connected with the metal, "Huh?"

He shook his head quikly and raised his hands in surrender. I pushed him back once more and released him, stepping back.

The whole hallway had stopped to look at me, Kira was nowhere to be seen, good.

I turned to walk away and ran into Drew. "What was that about? I mean I was about to do the same thing to that piece of crap, but I didn't expect you to get there first."

"Yeah..I..uh...guess im just testy today, tired."

Drew nodded, "I feel bad for whoever tries to date my sister, between me and you, there'll be hell to pay." He laughed.

I swallowed hard and let out a chuckle, "yeah...."



Awkward...... =

I hope you guys liked this. I really want to try and get this out there and make it the best I can, so if you guys have any suggestions or comments, please feel free!  and if you like it vote! it'd mean so much!   Thanks!!!!!      <3


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