A delinquients kiss

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A/N: ok guys, im looking for ideas for new characters, or changes in characters. SO please comment and give me ideas!!!  And please please please vote!!!  Im kind of getting disappointed that no one has commented or voted, and its making me not really wanna write, just saying so please do so!  Thanks!  Hope you enjoy  :)  <3


Kiras POV

The shirll sound of the bell sounded, signaling lunch, all around me kids jumped up and left the room, already having their things packed up. of course i wouldnt be ready, ugh, the line is going to be a mile long by the time i get in there. I sighed and shoved my notebook and pencil into my bag hastily.

I stood up and quickly made my way out of the room, and right into Jared. "Oof!"  I stumbled backwards. I would've fell had he not grabbed my hand.

"Thanks, and sorry for running into you," I blushed

"Anytime," He winked and walked away. I stared after him, I don't know what it was, but there was something so hot about him.

I shook my head and followed him to the lunch room. I got into the pizza line, which was shorter than I expected.  Once I got my lunch, I looked around for a free table. I spotted one across the room, coincidentally it was by Andrew and Caleb's table, I knew Andrew wouldn't be too happy with me sitting there, but what could I do.

I walked over and sat down, making an effort to not look at the boys. I began eating, I was about to take a bite when I felt someone poking my side, hitting a nerve, I squealed, dropping my pizza, and earning a laugh from Jared who had poked me. I glanced around, there were a few people looking at me, or in Caleb and Drew's case, glaring at me.

I ducked my head and turned back to Jared, "Jeez, you scared the crap outta me!" I laughed a little as he smirked and sat down.  

"I didn't know you were that ticklish."

I blushed and ducked my head, it seemed I was doing that more and more lately.

"We should hang out this weekend,"

My eyes widened, "I don't know...."

"Not like last time, I know you cant hold your liquor now." He smiled sweetly, "Sorry about that by the way.... But this time it'll just be me and you, in a nice calm setting."

"yeah, well, we'll see." I smiled back.   We sat and talked the rest of lunch. I had to admit, it was nice. I liked that he could be wild, then really sweet at the same time.  

I turned to throw my lunch away in the can behind me, and caught a flip of long blonde hair at the boy's table. A pretty girl who I could only assume was Chastity giggled and leaned over to Caleb, placing her hand on his shoulder, then letting it slowly slide down his bicep, Caleb smiled at her, which only made me more mad.

I huffed and turned around in my seat,

"You okay?" Asked Jared

"Yeah, so are you free tonight after  school?"

A smile spread across his face, "Yeah,"

"My house, ill ride with you there."

His smile widened if that was even possible, "Alright then," On cue the bell rang and we headed in separate directions to class.


When the bell rang for the end of sixth, I pulled out my phone and texted Drew, Don't need a ride today, ill see you at home. with that I set out for my locker where I dropped off my books, then met Jared where he was waiting by the flag pole out front. "you ready?"

I plastered on a smile, "Yup,"

He lead me over to his car, it was a 1992 Elcamino, "Dddaannnngggg, new car?"

He laughed, "no the one I was driving last time was Gwen's." He unlocked the doors and I slid in, admiring the interior, "I am seriously wanting to marry this car," I purred as I stroked the seats,

He laughed again and looked over at me, "I didn't know you were that in to cars?" He pulled out of the parking lot.

"Im not, really, this is just awesome." That earned a smile and a shake of his head, we were halfway to my house by now.  We made small talk the rest of the way.

I braced myself for when we pulled up to the house.  

Drew and Caleb were playing ball in the driveway when we pulled up, they turned and squinted into the windows trying to see who it was.

I opened my door and waved to Drew, "Just me bro." He smiled and motioned to the ball, "You wanna join sis? we were just about to-" His voice cut off when Jared stepped out and closed his door.

"No, were just gonna head inside, thanks though." I pulled Jared towards that house, trying to avoid any conflict.

Once we were safely inside I lead him to the kitchen, "you want anything?"

"Just a tall glass of you?" He said giving me his sexiest smirk

I threw my head back and laughed, "How many girls has that worked on?"

"That depends, did it work on you?" He stepped closer, we were less than a foot apart now, and my heart rate speed up.

"n-no."  He smiled that crooked smile that made me swoon,

"I think it might be working," He brushed a hair from my face, letting his fingers trail across my cheek, that sent shivers up my spine. I was just wanting him over here to make Caleb mad, but there was something about him that peaked my interest, he was that bad boy, be he could also be really sweet and funny.

Seeing that I didn't protest, he stepped closer still until out lips almost touched, my breath hitched. His crooked smile crept back. He moved forward another inch, closing the gap, out lips touched, soft and gentle, he pulled back, testing my reaction. I slid my arm around his neck this time I leaned in. When out lips touched this time, it was a little harder, not as sweet as before, his hands slid around my waist, pulling me closer.

I put my other arm around his neck, pulling us closer still, his mouth opened and we kissed, our mouths moving in sinc. One hand drifted lower, it was now just above my jeans pockets.  I backed up a few steps, breaking our kiss, he looked confused.

I hopped up on the counter, my legs dangling off, I held out my arms, and he smiled and walked forward, I wrapped my arms and legs around him, pulling him close. We kissed again, this time more feverish.  We kissed like this for a while untill Drews voice interrupted, "EWWW, WHAT THE HELL?!"  Jared jumped back, I looked up to see a pissed off Drew and Caleb in the door. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, making Drew frown more, "Out, now." Drew pointed to the door.

Jared laughed and winked at me, "Text you later babe." I blushed as he walked past Drew and Caleb and out the door. Their eyes followed him out, then looked at me in sinc. I raised my eyebrows waiting for the on slaught.

"WHat the hell was that?" Drew asked, giving me his best disgusted look.

"Its called kissing big brother."

"But why was it with him?"  He said 'him' like you would say your worst enemy's name

"Because, I happen to like him," My eyes shifted to Caleb as I said this, his eyes flashed with something I couldn't place.

"He's a delinquent Kira,"

"Whatever, im going to take a shower," With that I walked out, not wanting this conversation to carry on anymore.


A/N: thanks for reading, im going to try and update soon!!!  PLEASE vote and comment with ideas or ANYTHING!!!!   Thanks

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