Doubtful Little Monster

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Kira's POV:

Throwing the now stained red towel to the floor I let out a frustrated scream. No matter how hard I scrubbed the paint wasn't coming all the way out, faded or not it was still there. I threw open the bathroom door and stomped downstairs, my hair still dripping from the shower. The kitchen door banged against the wall, Caleb, Drew, Jude, and Gwen all looking to me with wide eyes.

I locked my eyes with Gwen's, "It won't come out! "I've scrubbed it and washed it and it won't come out!" My voice now fading to a frustrated and sad sob, "It won't come out." A few tears trailed down my cheeks as Gwen rushed over, taking me into her arms, Jude close behind.

Laying my head onto her shoulder I let myself cry, for Chastity's cruelty, for the laughter, for the embarrassment, for the red in my hair, and for what else was yet to come. Gwen rubbed my back as I pulled my head from her shoulder while wiping my eyes. I looked up to meet a conflicted looking Caleb who wasn't sure if he should come over or just let Gwen handle it.

"I have an idea," Gwen stated, making me break Caleb's gaze, "You stay here, and Jude and I will be back in a little bit!" with that she ran out dragging Jude with her, making me laugh a little.

"I'm sorry Kira." I snapped my gaze to Caleb's sad eyes. "It all started when we started dating, it's my fault, I'm sorry." His eyes shifted down to the floor.

"No." My voice held so much emotion that he lifted his head in surprise. "It's not your fault that this happened, otherwise that would mean we wouldn't have started dating, and I wouldn't change that. It's just Chastity and her thickheaded obsession with you. Never you're fault. Though I am glad Drew punched Jack... Oh Drew!" I ran over to a surprised Drew and took his hand in mine, examining his knuckles.

"I'm fine Kira...are you?" his laugh changed to a concerned look. I smiled evasively, "Let's get you ice Drew, that has to hurt."

Pulling out and wrapping an ice pack I made my way over to the stool Drew was seated on and gently placed to pack over his bruised knuckles, "Thank you though." I pecked his cheek while he muttered, "of course baby sis."

"I don't think Jack or Chastity will be bothering you anymore."

I nodded my head to Caleb's statement before what he said sank in, "Wait what do you mean Chastity, what happened?" I was now facing him, my face filled with worry.

"Well I yelled at her really...told her to leave you alone, that I would never want her and so on." He muttered under my eye's scrutiny.

"YOU WHAT?!" I shrieked, making him wince and me feel immediately guilty as he was just trying to help. I sighed and made my way to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek lightly.

"Thank you for helping Caleb, it's she's just going to go after me harder, just not directly."

He nodded understandingly and hugged me tight. "It was just so hard to see you like that Kira, I'm so sorry this happened to you." Caleb sighed deeply before perking up, "But hey, it's the weekend! Let's go pop in a movie while we wait for Jude and Gwen."

I nodded and followed him out to the living room with Drew trailing behind. He picked out "The Host" which I have seen more times than I can admit, but continued to love. We nestled down on the couch, my back against Drew's side, and butt and legs across Caleb's lap, keeping me warm and happy as he gently ran his thumb in calming circles while his hand rested on my thigh.

Before I knew it the movie was over, I had cried more than once I'll admit, yet thankfully Caleb and Drew pretended not to notice. Just as we stood up Gwen and Jude burst through the door, "Sorry it took so long, but we did stop for ice cream...and Starbucks." That's one thing I loved about Gwen, despite the tough exterior, she was a complete sweetheart and girly girl.

I glared at her playfully at the mention of Starbucks, "oh calm it. One iced vanilla caramel Frappuccino, and one hair fix!" She pulled out a cup and a grocery bag from behind her back as Jude ran toward me, throwing me over his shoulder before racing after Gwen up the stairs.


I eyed the hair dye box dubiously. "Are you sure this will look good on me?"

Gwen and Jude had picked out a dark brown, at least two shades darker than my original. But apparently they spent over a half hour in the dye isle comparing the boxes to a picture of me, debating back and forth before both agreeing on this one. I was thankful she had brought Jude along since apparently she had picked out a deep purple before Jude had talked her out of it.

"Yes, yes, yes, it'll bring out your skin and make your features pop, now shush and let me start you doubtful little monster." I laughed at her assessment of me as she snapped her gloves in a dramatic fashion before pouring the solution onto my curls and beginning the process.


I had to say, I loved the new hair. It did just what Gwen said, it made my skin look like porcelain, and my eyes pop. I admired it once more before heading down to show it off. Just as I reached the bottom step Jude trumpeted my arrival in a goofy way, making to boys look over to me and stop. "Wow Kira it looks great!" Drew smiled.

"It really does babe." I blushed at Caleb's compliment.

"Crap! I got to head into work guys sorry!" Drew called while running out the door, followed by Jude and Gwen who called out that they had to be heading out too.

"Have you noticed that Gwen and Jude have been hanging out more?" I asked as Caleb made his way over to me. "Do you think they like each other? What if they're -" My thoughts were cut off by the feel of Caleb's lips on my neck.

My arms snaked around his neck as I relished in the feel of his lips on my skin. Caleb trailed his lips tauntingly up my neck and under my ear making my knees go weak. My breath caught as his hands slipped down to by butt before tugging my hips against his, making me gasp and him grunt.

He lifted my, my legs automatically wrapping themselves around his waist as he carried me to the couch. My back hit the cushion as his lips landed on mine. We kissed like each other's lips were our last life source, desperately and passionately. My hands made their way into his shirt, my nails running over his abs, making his groan into my neck. He sat up and pulled his shirt off. I took that chance to do what I've wanted to do since I set eyes on him.

I lowered my lips to his stomach and kissed each ab, making his breathing go ragged. "Stop." He gasped out before slamming his lips to mine and expertly shifting us so I was now on top straddling him. His hands caressed my hips under my shirt, slowly making their way up to the hem of my bra, teasing with the underwire. Frustrated I pulled back and tugged off my shirt and throwing it to the floor, only then feeling nervous at what I had just done as I sat in Caleb's gaze. Yet that faded quickly when I saw the love and lust in his eyes.

"so beautiful Kira." I smiled as he leaned up, kissing my jaw line down, torturously making his way ever so slowly down my neck until he was kissing the top of my cleavage. I gasped and ground my hips onto his, making us both groan at the contact. Caleb's eyes grew dark as he once again flipped us over and settled between my legs, leaving where I left off, grinding against me as we both gasped for breath. Yet I felt comfortable knowing that we were both set on this was all that was going to happen so we might as well make it good. Well...for now at least.



You're. Welcome.

Truth be told, it'll be a little hard for me to get more sexual than this but ill figure it all outJ we'll see where this will take us.

I hope you like it and I hope you vote and comment, let me know what you think or what you want to see!!! THANK YOU MY LOVLIES! xoxoxoxoxoxo

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