suspension? or perfection?

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Celebs POV:

I'd already seen Kiras face when Chastity sat down,  so when she kissed me, my first thought. .other than 'eww' was 'oh. shit.' I snapped up to look at Kira who was..coming over?!

She had a big smile on her face as she started a conversation with Andrew, "hey Andrew I'm gonna get a ride home with-" she let out a loud gasp As she 'stumbled' and spilt her lunch all over Chastity.

she tried to hide her smile as she said "oops" 

I was beyond shocked, and Chastity was beyond pissed so I wasn't surprised when I heard that there had been a fight and she was suspended.

what did I JUST talk to her about?! I was mad but I understand why she did it, I would've been mad too, I'm just upset it lead to all this. I couldn't help but feel guilty, it was over me after all.

I had listened to Andrew rant for an hour before we heard the door click closed and light footsteps tiptoeing through the living room. 

"Kira. get in here."

she walked in slow and with her head down.

"Dumping food on Chastity?! really?!"

"it was an accident." she muttered

"oh well okay then how about the fight afterwards?! was that an accident?! Dang it Kira look at me!"

she lifted her head slowly, revealing the many scratches and black eye given to her by chastity. I felt my eyes widen in shock. "she hit first" well ain't that the poor baby.

"holy cow Kira..." i muttered aloud.

"I get it okay, It was an accident, I already got suspended and I'll get enough of it over the phone with mom" her voice was tired and full of frustration. "I'm going to bed" with that she left the kitchen.

Andrew muttered the word I'd been thinking all day, "shit."


Kiras POV

I woke up running my eyes, then blinking back tears from the pain. crap I forgot.

standing up and walking over to the mirror,  I saw that the scratches had now scabbed over and complimented my slightly purple eye well. lovely.

I put on my pink soffe short and a black camisole, then throwing my hair up into a pony tail with a head band.

A knock sounded on the door downstairs, I knew Drew had already left by the lack of noise.  I bounded down the stairs and opened the door, revealing the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.

"morning babes" caleb said leaning forward and giving me a quick kiss.

I smiled "shouldn't you be at school?"

he laughed, "oh I'm sick," he gave me a pathetic fake cough and winked. " I have a feeling it might last about...oh three days? "

I laughed and pulled him into a hug "your perfect"

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little bit longer :) hope you like! its been a while since I've done Calebs POV so make sure to comment and vote!!!!!

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