Not so high and mighty now

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        My alarm blared, sending me shooting up, then sighing and sinking back into bed. Today was the day i was having to go back to school, aka, the day i was to face Chastity. I rolled over and groaned into my pillow. maybe i can play sick? As if reading my thoughts the bedroom door opened and someone landed on top of me, "Kiiirrraaa, get up, time to get ready, your not getting out of this one!"

"Andrew get your fat ass off of me!" I gasped out, trying to shove him off in vain.

"Language," he warned, hitting me with a pillow. "Now get up, you cant hide in here forever." With that he got up and left my room. I rolled out of bed and padded across my room grumpily. I wasnt really in the mood for anything fancy, so i slipped on leggings and my PINK sweatshirt with zebra vans. I quickly brushed through my hair and applied winged eyeliner, that was as in depth as i was planning to go today.

After going over myself in the mirror one more time, i headed down for breakfast. Walking into the kitchen, i saw Drew already at the toaster, "can you pop a bagel in for me bro?" He nodded in response.  Once we had both eaten we headed out to Calebs car which had just pulled up. The car ride was pretty silent aside from a few jokes the boys had made to lighten my nervousness. Pulling up to the school i relucltanty got out of the car and this time, i stayed by the boy's sides as we walked in. here we go.

As expected there were alot of stares as i walked in, and i had yet to see chastity, but i could only hold off untill third period. Which of course, came way too quickly. I kept my head down as i walked in, taking my seat without drawing notice to myself, that is, until chastity walked in, then all eyes flickered between me and her, like they were on a safari ride, waiting for the lion to attack the gazelle. what is this? aniamal planet? No, i was ignored by chastity, who's chin was held high and mighty as she slipped into her seat, ignoring the rest of the world below her.

I sighed in releif, now theres only lunch. The bell rang, signaling the end of class and begining of lunch. I dashed out of class and met Caleb at our now usual spot at the end of the hallway. I smiled as i saw him look up, his eyes meeting mine, and lighting up with a smile. I returned it as i walked up to him cautiously, then when i saw no one there, bounding up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

He laughed and spun me around. "So im guessing that all's been good today?" I nodded and pecked his lips. Smiling he kissed me back, this one a bit longer. But of course my stomach had to growl and ruin the moment.  "Well alright miss sunshine, lets get you some food," He laughed as he set me back on my feet.

I walked on into the cafeteria ahead of him, and sat down, knowing Jude had already gotten me my lunch like the good friend he was. I smiled in thanks and bit into my slice of pizza, munching happily. 

Gwen was telling us about her recent adverutres at yet another night club she'd snuck into. "So a few shots and a few dances leter, this guy was all like, 'hey, we should...'" she trailed off and looked behind me, because there walked the big and mighty Chastity, strutting across the room to Caleb and Drew's tabel, which i now noticed, at the same time as chastity noticed it, had one less seat availible. A angry scowl crossed her face as she kept walking like she never meant to stop there in the first place. But everyone had seen it. Everyone had seen Chastity being rejected. Not so high and mighty now. I couldnt help but smile as i saw the wink that Caleb sent me. My cheeks heated up and my heart rate speed, that boy is going to be the death of me...



sorry guys, its been a while, under the circumstances, sorry its not as good as i usually write, i was having some trouble coming up with what to write about.. so any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks my lovlies     xoxoxoxoxo

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