Apparent Homewrecker

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The bell ending second rang, making me jump.  I'd been on edge all day. Nothing had happened. ...yet.  "Stop it" i chided myself,  nothing was wrong.  Calendar hadn't even noticed anything, but then again guys usually never do.  The whispers just seemed more charged today,   more wide eyed stares than usual, and more than once i had heard the hushed whispers of "have you heard?!"

I couldn't help but worry about what there was to "hear " about. I trudged out the door to catch a warm smile from Caleb. Making my worries momentarily melt away. "How was class short stack? "  I laughed and playfully smacked his chest and I couldnt help but admire the toned muscle beneath my hand.  The guy had a body of a god, sue me.

" I'm not that short " I muttered. He threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in so that my head barely reached his shoulder, raising his eyebrow as if to say you were saying?   "Shut it " I mumbled, earning a hearty chuckle that made my insides tingle with butterflies.

"But anyways, we had a sub so....."

"So they tormented her and you all did nothing all period? " he finished for me.

" Pretty much,  but how about you? "

" Well ms. Bitters certinly lives up to the name. " he responded with a tired sigh.

" that she does." I laughed. He smiled and grabbed my chin, turning my mouth into his own, giving me a sweet kiss. "See you after class short stack ".

I stood there in my dumbfounded state from the kiss before i manged to respond.  "I'm not that short!" I yelled after him,  making more than a few people give me startled looks and some of the shorter girls give me knowing smiles. Caleb looked back and laughed, sending me a wink that changed my scowl into a loving smile. 

I turned to head into class when only to meet Chastity's heated glare.  Gulping nervously i hastily slipped into the sanctuary of my classroom.  Her gaze had said it all.  I was in for it now.


3rd period drug on add i tapped my foot impatiently,  then dashing out of class as soon as the bell rang for lunch.  I met Caleb at the cafeteria doors, grateful i had manged to avoid Chastity. Caleb sent me an apologetic smile,  i threw my head back and groaned,  "what? "

"Sorry babe but i have to go make up a test with Drew, ill catch you after lunch, " he pecked my cheek and left, leaving me there frozen. 

"Let's go! " i felt a hand tug on my elbow making me and jump and look into Jude's warm eyes.  "I'll grab the food you grab the table. " i nodded and headed off to our usual spot. Only to trip right add i reached the table, or rather, to be tripped over a certai  witch with a b's heel.  Effectively making my face collide with the table bench.

I gasped in pain and looked up into the deadly gaze of Chastity through watery eyes.   "There's more where that came from for home wreckers like you. "

"Home wrecker?" I asked incredulously.

"Everyone knows Caleb was mine, and you stole him. But it's okay,  i doubt it'll last more than a month,  tops.  We all can see you're not good enough for him.  I mean just look at how you dress, do you really even try?"she scoffed,  her minions making disgusted faces and murmuring in agreement. 

"And let me guess,  you are good enough? " i mocked, raising my eyebrow.

"Yes,  i am. And he'll see that as soon as he figures out what a waste of time you are. " she spat venomously. "Watch yourself,  you never know when....accidents. ..can happen" she finished devilishly before stalking away.  Leaving me with a bloody lip and honestly,  scared.

Jude soon met my gaze amd ran over, pulling me up and setting the disregarded food aside.  "B.D.F.? " he asked, referring to our bad day fixes we used to have in middle school whenever i had cramps, or one time when my eighth grade boyfriend Johnny Mills dumped me.  Aka B.D.F. meant lots of ice cream, movies, and blankets in bed. 

I nodded eagerly and he began leading me out top his car. "I'll call the school and let Drew know."

I snapped my head to meet his gaze, shooting him a warning look.  Earning me an eye roll.

"Relax I'll tell him you don't feel good. "

I sighed out a releived breath and relaxed back into my seat as Jude began the drive home.


Thoughts? Any choice words for Chastity? I know yall probably got a few  ;)

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