Like me? Like me not?

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I blinked up at the white popcorn ceiling, the light from the window stinging my eyes.
Why were my blinds open? i always closed them before i went to bed.

I thought for a minute before i remembered, i smiled at the memory of last night. I cant believe we actually kissed!  I rolled over and squealed into my pillow. He liked me!  wait...he liked me, I thought of all the embarrassing things that id done and slapped my forehead. "Oh gosh.."

I slid out from under the warm covers and walked over to my closet, I pulled out my favorite pair of Miss Me's and my white Hollister lace top, I grabbed some undergarments and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

I peeled off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror, I frowned at my reflection, I had never been very confident, or proud of my body. I had a slight figure, where you could see the beginnings of curves, but as of now, they were almost non existent.   I didn't have a big chest, I was just plain.

I shook my head and got into the shower and scrubbed myself until I my skin was red.  I lathered up my hair and rinsed off, then got out and towel dried. I slipped into my clothes and brushed out my hair, i pulled out my makeup kit and looked over my face in the mirror. My skin looked fine today, so i decided to just do some light eye makeup. Satisfied, i trudged downstairs.

"So are you going out with her or not?"  I could hear andrew's voice wafting in from the kitchen. I froze, were they talking about me?

"Man, i don't know...she's nice and all."

"Nice?! Dude! Chastity's smoking!"   I let out a breath, knowing they weren't talking about me, wait a second, who the eff is Chastity? What about me?

"I don't know.."

"Dude just go on the date!"

"Alright alright ill go on the date."

I chose that moment to walk in, making them both jump, i hadn't meant to hit the door that hard.

"Dang Kira, you grumpy?"  Andrew asked teasingly

I forced my face to look somewhat happy, "Nope, just underestimated my strength." I smiled and pulled a granola bar out of the pantry. I glanced over at Caleb and my smile fell, i felt my eyes burn and quickly ducked out of the kitchen.

Caleb's POV

I finally agreed to the date, anything to make Andrew shut up, i didn't want Kira overhearing this. The door flew open, making me jump in surprise. Kira stomped in, i could hear Drew teasing her, but i wasn't listening, i was watching her expression change from upset, to fake happy.  I watched as she grabbed her breakfast and turned to look at me.  Immediately her face fell, and a look of hurt crossed her face and she ran out.

As the door closed i could hear Drew sigh, "What do you think shes upset about?"

"I-I don't know," though i had a pretty good idea...

I heard the front door click closed, "He drew i got to get going, ill see you later."

"alright man"

I rushed out the door and onto the sidewalk, looking both ways for Kira. She was walking away, less than a block ahead.

"KIRA!"   her steps faltered but she kept walking. I ran up the street after her. She turned and saw me, then started running too, "KIRA! WAIT!"

I caught up to her, grabbing her arm and spinning her around. She beat her fists against my chest, but i wouldn't let go. "Get off!" she screeched.

"Kira, calm down! just stop for five seconds!" I shook her gently and she stopped and looked at the ground, giving up at her useless fight. "Kira just look at me," i grabbed her chin and pulled her eyes to meet mine, and wished i hadn't.

She had tears running down her face, her eyes full of betrayal. My stomach clenched. "Whats wrong?"

"Who's Chastity?" Her voice shook and my heart practically broke.

"No one,"

"Then why are you going on a date with her?"

"Im not going to, i was just trying to shut Drew up, i swear." I wiped a tear from her cheek with my thumb. She just looked at me with those beautiful bambi eyes.  I couldn't help myself, i wrapped my arms around her small frame and hugged her tight, i felt her relax into me. I tried to memorize the feeling of how she fit against me, her head tucked in the crook of my neck.


A/N:  thanks for reading guys, i hoped you liked this one!!! ive been trying really hard, but have only had one read that i can see, so please vote and comment, it would mean the world to me :) 

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