The love i now have the chance to have

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WARNING: unedited and rough so im sorry for that, and I know im horrible im sorry guys :( i still love you though!!

I stood there frozen as Andrew glared from the door. "Inside." His voice was cold and i shivered, stepping inside the house, avoiding touching him like he was a bomb waiting to explode.


"Dont." I held up his hand, which was shaking.

Oh im so so dead.. im so dead... I chanted in my head as i tried to take a calming breath.

"When were you going to tell me Kira? Once you guys hit your month-aversary, or once you were pregnant? Or has that already happened?" His face was redening at the effort it took not to yell.

Shit, i knew he was mad, but not this mad.  "Andrew no! Why would you even think that?! And we just started dating! We we're gonna tell some point."

"Yeah Kira SOME POINT!" I flinched at his harsh tone. "Not when you first started hanging out or even whe you first started thinking of him like that! Why wouldnt you tell me!"

"Because i knew youd act like this!"  I screamed back just as feirce. "He's you're best friend and im your sister why wouldnt you trust us?!"

"Exactly!" He laughed unhumorlessly, "He's my bedt friend! So i know what he's like! I've been there while he let the girls down, told them it didnt mean anything and he didnt wanna see them again! I KNOW HIM! You dont!"

"I do!"

"You dont!" He yelled, his voice reaching a new level of scary, making whatever i had to say be forgotten. "I. Do." He paced across the hallway and back, tugging on his hair. "This is done."


"No. You're not going to see him anymore. Whatever was there is done. Got it. DONE!"

"You cant do that Drew! You're not my father!" I yelled desperatley, tears now dripping down my face. I just got Caleb, i couldnt loose him already.

Drew stopped halfway up the stairs, turned and looked at my face, his eyes softening at the sight of my tears, but only for a moment. "It's done." He said finally. He turned and walked away, leaving me to crumple on the floor, sobbing for the love i never really had the chance to have.


I sat up in bed, my head throbbing dully from crying. I had tried to call Caleb but Drew soon after going upstairs came back down and took my phone, despite my screaming and cries of protest.

I shuffled around the room getting ready, slipping into leggings and a sweater, and throwing my hair in a bun, not having the energy for much else. Downstairs was quiet as i made my way into the kitchen, where i was suprised to find Drew sitting silently eating. I said nothing as i got myself a bagel and retreated into the living room, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

I had just finsihed when the doorbell rang. I sprang up knowing who it was, but Drew beat me there first. "Drew dont!" 

Drew pulled open the door and immediatley swung his fist, sonnecting solidly with an unknowing Caleb's jaw. Caleb stumbled back, looking dazed before Drew pulled him into the house by his shirt and slammed him against a wall.

"My sister?! You dirty prick!" Another punch landed on Calebs jaw as he stood there still dumbstruck.

"DREW!" I screamed, tears streaming freely now. I launched myself at him, pulling back his fist before it connected again. He swung around eyes ablaze and pushed me back. I stumbled to the floor, my elbow slamming with a hard bang, making me cringe and craddle my arm to my body.

Drew stopped, shocked at what he did. "Kira.." Drew was spun around by Caleb who punched him, making a sickening crack as Drew's nose bled down his shirt.

"Why dont you trust me?! You know i would never do anything to hurt her Drew! You know that! Im sorry i didnt tell you okay! i didnt know how but i was going to, have faith in me, i've been your best friend since we were in diapers!"  Caleb drew in a breath, trying to calm down as Drew picked himself off the floor.  

"Thats crap man! You should've told me before! You should have asked me.." Drew whispered the last part, the betrayal clear in his voice.

Caleb ran a hand over his face, "Im sorry, but what would you have said Drew? Yes? I dont think so."

Drew sighed, "I get it, i dont like it, but i get it... okay. Just." He sighed again, heavier this time. "Dont-"

"I wont." Caleb cut him off and wrapped him in a hug, where they akwardly bro patted untill Drew looked at me appolegeticly and left the room.

I sprung off the floor and jumped into Caleb's arms, sniffeling still from crying. I pulled away and checked his face frantically.

"Hey," He whispered calmingly. "It's okay baby. Im sorry this happened."

Not trusting my voice, i nodded and leaned in, leaving a sweet gentle kiss on his busted lip. A tear slipping down my cheek for the love that i now had the chance to have.



I am sorry this is so late, and its really rough and unedited. Sorry guys :( i kinda let yall down and i feel bad. But i hope youll vote and comment and tell me what you think.

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