Homewrecker prt. 2

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DEDICATED TO Love_Mimi_ for her awesome cover! More covers will be shown in the next chapter, and eventually once i get more, ill choose one to make my offical book cover! THANKS GUYS!! 

B.T.W.: there will be a Q and A chapter soon so send or comment your questions for me!!!!!!!!!!!

Pulling my hair into a messy bun i looked over my yoga shorts and baggy sweatshirt before shrugging and heading downstairs. I jumped off the bottom two steps and slid into the kitchen like i did when i was younger. Jude looked up and shook his head at my child-like behavior.

"How's the cleaning coming there my slave?" I smiled as i walked over to the dishwasher, it was supposed to be Andrew's turn but gosh knows he wasnt going to do it.

Jude turned to glare at me once again from where he was wiping off the counters, "Fine, though it could be going faster if you would help."

"Ah ah ah." I wagged my finger at him, "you're the traitor in this situation, not me." I reached down and started to unload the silverware, "plus it's youre fault it started anyway.." i muttered.

"You splattered ice cream in my face!" He retorted looking at me incrediously. I spun to look at him, not taking into account the knife that was in my hand.

"OOWWW!!! Oh holy crap! ARGH!" the stained red knife clattered to the ground in front of me as i clutched my forearm from where i had cut it. Jude ran over to me as Drew and Caleb burst through the door.

"What now?!" Drew asked before seeing my arm, "Shit shit shit." He ran over and pried my hand from the cut, making me gasp i pain and blood leak to the floor. "ow ow ow ow ow!" I pulled my arm back from his grip and he sent me an appologetic look before looking over to Jude, "Go grab the first aid kit upstairs, and ill go get a towel,"

Caleb's arms wrapped around my side gently as more tears leaked down my cheeks, "It hurts..." I whimpered pathetically. His arm tightened around me more while he tucked his chin on my head, "I'm sorry mouse, we'll get you cleaned up okay?"

"Caleb bring her in here!"

Without a second of hesitation Caleb scooped me up, even though it was my arm that was cut...not that i was complaining... and carried me into the living room where it looked like a little mini hospital was set up.  "Welcome Ms. Pastori, we'll have you fixed up in no time." Drew said before snapping his gloves in a dramatic fashion.


Once my arm was wrapped i got up and hugged Andrew in thanks. "You have to be carefull Kira, you're all i have, God knows mom isnt around." I winced a little at his words before nodding into his shoulder.

"Jeez Kira, you really have had a bad day, first the lunch room trip, busting your lip, now this...." he trailed off with wide eyes when my glare hit him, realizing he said too much.

"Kira." Andrew said with a clipped tone. Caleb stepped up next to him, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"ha, ha, so funny Jude. So so funny..." I coughed nervously while Drew narrowed his eyes. He looked down along with Caleb who pulled my chin up so my busted lip was more noticable.

"What happened? Did someone do this to you? I swear to God Kira if someone hurt you." This time it was Caleb who spoke threateningly. Drew smirked, looking slightly happy with Caleb's protectiveness.

I sighed heavily, "Nice Job Jude, you're two for two today." turning my gaze back on the boys i stood up, "You know im not going to tell you, just some people being jerks, its high school, what do you expect? Now im going to bed okay, good night." Stepping froward i kissed both of them on the cheek before turning to Jude, pinching him as i walked past. 


The car ride to school was quiet to say the least, Drew and Caleb were both still pouting that i wouldnt tell them what had happened. Though it was mostly Drew, i could tell by the way he slammed the car door closed as soon as we pulled up. I sighed and sank back in my seat. Caleb turned to look at me from the drivers seat, "You know he'd be less grumpy if you'd just tell him....or me" I shook my head and looked at him sadly.

He shook his head dissapointedly and got out of the car, i wasnt far behind. Walking fast i caught up with the boys and latched onto Caleb's hand, he looked down at me, almost letting go before i sent him a pleading look. He gave me a half smile before squeezing my hand tighter which sent a wave of releif through me. 

It wasn't untill we walked up to my locker like usual that i noticed how quiet the hall was. I looked, confused to find everyone looking at me. I shook my head and walked up to my locker shyly, the crowds parting and Drew and Caleb following close behind.

My eyes froze on my locker. Homewrecker was scrawled across it in quickly written sharpie. My jaw set in place as all the eyes on me suddenly felt like weights, making my shoulders slump in embarassment. 

"GET LOST!" I heard Drew yell behind me, i couldnt be bothered to turn around though. Reluctantly i unlocked my locker and grabbed my first period books, slamming it closed once they were retreived. I turned and began walking, brushing past awaiting Drew and Caleb. I didnt feel like trying to dodge their questions right now. They're just trying to help. But they wont once they find out, they'll just do something to make it worse. Chastity wasn't one to give up, and if they did something, she'd just up her game in a more discreet way.

Whatever...if i dont react, she'll give up...all bullies do eventually.

A/N: Hope you like! And dont worry i have plans for the next chapter!

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