Game on

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I stepped out of Caleb's car, Drew right next to me. The car ride had been fairly silent, except for the radio, Caleb had met my eyes a few times, but o had looked away.

I walked into the house with the boys on my heels. But instead of heading into the living room I went upstairs, changing out of my jeans and into a pair of soffe shorts I sat on my bed and started my homework. Usually I would wait and hang out with the boys for a while, but I really didn't feel like being down there for obvious reasons.

I was almost done with the chapter questions when the was a light knock on the door and it creaked open. Caleb stepped into the room quietly, "Hey."

"HI." I said looking back down at my book and continuing with the problem.
"Look im sorry about lunch, I don't like her you know."
I just nodded my head, not looking up from my book. I heard him walk closer to me, his hand slipped under my chin, gently lifting my head so my eyes met mine.
"Your the only one for me Kira," He said leaning forward, until his lips were less than a breath from mine "Remember that" he whispered against my lips before kissing me. It was a nice, gentle, kiss. one filled with reassurance and tenderness.

I let a smile play on my lips as he backed away. He smiled back before closing the door behind him as he left the room, and leaving me with butterflies.

I finally went downstairs after I finished my work, finding that the boys had ordered pizza and were watching Futurama. I grabbed a slice and laid on the floor at the foot of the couch and watched it with them, enjoying the feeling of happiness that had surrounded me ever since Caleb paid his visit.


The next morning at school I ignored Chastity, not letting her ruin my day like I had yesterday. I went through my classes as normal and when it came to lunch time I went to my locker and dropped off my bags, lingering at my locker a little longer until the hall cleared out just in case Caleb decided to show up, which to my joy, he did.

"How's your day going so far gorgeous?" he asked pecking my cheek.
A wide grin spread across my face at his comment, "Just got better." I leaned in slightly and he closed the gap, giving me a lingering kiss that made my head spin. He pulled away chuckling. "i'll see you later babe." he winked and headed off to lunch.

I let out a breath I hadn't known id been holding in and smiled and walked after him, then slowed my pace, waiting for what I knew was going to happen.
Sure enough the Barbie herself stepped out from behind the same wall as before.  I spoke up before she could, "You know this is called stalking right?" I continued to walk past her.  But she stepping in front of me, blocking my path. "And you know I can ruin you right? What part of stay away from my man did you not understand?"
"oh I heard you, but theres only one problem," I paused for effect, "He's not yours" I whispered leaning in, before I again started to walk away, only to be blocked again.
"Don't think he's yours either sweetheart."
"Really? because Im pretty sure he just kissed me, and I know you know that cause you were being your creepy stalker self."
I could tell that really pissed her off because her eyes narrowed and she stepped closer, "You'd do best to watch where you step, because like I said, I. can. ruin. you." she practically growled each word.  with that she pushed past me, making me slam back into a locker, causing my head to erupt in pain.  I rubbed the back of my skull, glaring after her. "game on." I whispered to myself.


Oh snap.  Game on? whats that supposed to mean?  hey even I don't know, im making this up as I go :)  any ideas or comments just comment and make sure to vote!

Thanks to those of you who have, love ya my lovelies!

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