004. capable type

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"capable type"
by momma

" go ahead and take your bike
i won't let you drain me
i reason with the demon he obeys me
before you go and
try your best to save me

you're playing with a capable type
you will not fulfill me
pull me up
but you were planning just to spill me
falling in deep but you don't thrill me
you think that i'm a miserable type
i keep looking at the window
i keep finding stuff to fight
i keep looking at the window
i don't
i don't wanna play nice
i can't show you my insides
i'm a machine and i don't cry
i've got a rusty style
latch onto copper smiles
i can't pretend to be sweet
get cold when you are near me
moonlight's the only time
that you like i'm a capable type "

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"winning a battle, losing the war"

season 1, episode 3

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things at meredith's house had been chaotic since eleanor, izzie, and george had all moved in. eleanor could tell izzie and george were pissing meredith off. she tried to keep quiet and not add to the annoyance, unlike the two of them, she knew when to shut her mouth. 

apparently today was the 'dead baby' bike race, whatever the hell that entailed, from what eleanor had heard so far, it was no good.

"fools on bikes, killing themselves -- natural selection is what it is." bailey said leading her interns down the hall.

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"ooh, i'll take that guy." eleanor said, eyeing a guy across the er.

"you'll have to beat me to him first." alex said, pushing eleanor back as they both ran over to the patient. "heads -- he's mine. tails -- he's yours." alex said, ready to flip a coin.

"why do you get to be 'heads'?" eleanor asked. 

"because i have a head, and honey, you are a tail." alex smirked.

"excuse me." eleanor apologized to the patient, swiping the curtain shut. "look, alex, just because i rejected you does not give you the right to act like the biggest jackass on planet earth and borderline sexually harass me. it's disgusting. you are disgusting. every time i start to think you're alright, you prove me wrong, so please, do everyone a favor and shut the hell up." she told him. he said nothing and flipped the coin. "ha! tails. that's what they call karma, bitch!" she smiled.

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after a long day dealing with the aftermath of the dead baby bike race, eleanor found herself alone in the locker room, soon to be joined by alex karev.

"god, i smell good!" he yelled as he burst through the door. eleanor looked at him with a sense of both disgust and annoyance. "you know what it is? it's the smell of open-heart surgery." he said, moving his head down to sniff his own scrubs. "it's awesome. it is awesome. you gotta smell me." he said walking over to eleanor wrapping his arms around her and pressing his body up against hers.

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