025. management

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by clairo

" a flash to the upbringing of the child, the canine
what will become mine once i decide to leave?
seek to take and give it all away
once you know, it's only a maze
there could be more days like today
complain to the management
about my lack of self-respect
fast forward to when I'll have friends
and men who don't interject
harping over old regrets
hating how i let it get to me, me
only for a short while
i'm bound to lose my head
and just when I start to think it's ended
another demand commences
i'm doing my future self
the one who needs more attention
I'll forget to forgive and hold it all in
i'm old with some resentment"

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season 3, episode 1
time has come today

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"izzie. iz, come on." eleanor pleaded against the outside of the bathroom door. "she's been in there all night, you guys, we have to do something." 

they all nodded, "yeah" and looked to meredith.

"why are you all looking at me?" she asked.

"this is familiar territory for you." cristina said.

"there is nothing familiar about this. unfamiliar. denny died. the man she loves died."

"yeah, but you're all dark and twisty inside." cristina argued.

"well not to pull that card, but if anything you and elenaor are more familiar with this than the rest of us." meredith shrugged.

"what's the supposed to mean?" eleanor questioned.

"she means the dead dad thing," cristina told eleanor. "seriously? you're pulling our dead dad cards, on us? that's not how that works, mer."

"i'm just saying..."

"well, i'm telling you right now that is so not the same thing. besides, even if it was, i don't have any memories of my dad's death because i was 2 when it happened. unfamiliar." eleanor told them.

"dark." cristina chuckled.

"not the point, and not a laughing matter." eleanor scolded. "our friend is going through something terrible, and i'm sorry, mer, but i think you're our best bet."

"so all of a sudden i'm the president of people with crappy lives?" she asked.

"if it gets you through to izzie, then yeah, sure." eleanor rolled her eyes. "just someone talk to her! i have to go to work!"

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"the clot's been evacuated, are we ready to close?" eleanor asked.

"i just want to make sure there are no remaining bone fragments." derek said. "how's izzie?"

"not good. i don't even know if she's gotten up off our bathroom floor yet." eleanor sighed.

"it never gets easier, losing a patient. it's a little less shocking, i guess, but it never gets any easier." he said.

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