005. her and her friend

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"her and her friend"
by tv girl

" i couldn't tell you why she summoned me
sometimes you get lucky
she'd think that you were someone else
i can't remember what she said
was she trying to tell me something?
or talking to herself?
but it made it hard to sleep
'til her head felt even worse
and i hope that she felt miserable
when it was time to go to work "

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shake your groove thing"
season 1, episode 5

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"you can't discharge a man in pain! ow! you're hurting me." the patient whined.

"you're the one who's making it more difficult, please if you'd just stop resisting, this would be easier on everyone." eleanor told him.

"just give me a hit of demerol. c'mon." he begged.

"the dilaudid hasn't worn off yet." alex told him.

"look, i'm not leaving!" he yelled.

"you have to." eleanor yelled back. "i'm calling psych." she said.

"no, no, no, don't call psych." he said rushing up from the wheelchair and running into eleanor, pushing her to the ground with him when he fell and hit his head on a cart in the hall. alex quickly rushed to her before the patient.

"you okay?" he asked her worriedly.

"yeah, yeah, i'm fine." she said pushing herself up. "is he?" she asked pointing at the passed-out man next to her. 

"jerry? jerry?" alex tried to shake the patient awake.

"concussion?" eleanor asked. alex checked his pupils with the light.

"he's blown his left pupil. page shepherd, attending shepherd." alex stated, clarifying which shepherd, realizing the other one was hovering over his shoulder. "we gotta get him down to c.t."

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"you see it?" derek asked.

"yeah, it's hard to miss." alex replied.

"little more than he bargained for." derek said.

"maybe he's lucky. maybe this is his way out of the hole." alex suggested.

"the hole? interesting expression." derek asked. the two siblings were no strangers to addiction, they had watched amelia go through it right in front of them for years, but the hole was not an expression they'd ever heard before.

"my father was into smack pretty heavy. he was a musician. it's tolerated in his line of work. not good for the family at home." alex revealed. there it was. there was the thing, the thing that made alex all dark and twisty, or asshole-y and dickwad-y. the thing she couldn't quite figure out just by looking at him. but it made sense, it didn't make all the things he'd said and done right, but it made them make sense.

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