026. get him back

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"get him back"
by fiona apple

" one man, he disappoint me
he give me the gouge and he take my glee
now every other man i see
remind me of the one man who disappointed me
wait till i get him back
he won't have a back to scratch
yeah, keep turning that chin
and you will see my face
as i figure how to kill what i cannot catch
next one up, a contemptible snob
he lived to put things in their place
he did a commendable job
he put himself so low
he can hardly even look me in the face
but the last one i had who was getting my hopes up
i might've been a little fast to dismiss
i think he let me down, when he didn't disappoint me
he didn't always guess right, but he usually got my gist
so wait till i get him back
i'm gonna bring him home and I'll watch him unpack
yeah, keep turning that chin
and you will see my face is fixed on the one
i'm gonna get back "

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season 3, episode 4
what i am

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the last few weeks had been alright. izzie had finally stopped baking which eleanor was thankful for. the smell of sweets filling the house at all times was starting to make her nauseous. she was also grateful because it meant her friend was taking a step in the right direction, that too. george and her were finally able to stand in the same room for more than a minute for non-work related things, and although she wasn't totally sure she had forgiven him yet, not hating him was a relief too. derek had officially left addison which she was pleased to hear, but seeing her frowning face around every corner wasn't exactly as exciting.

and then there was alex. after denny, she was trying to not think about him too much. it's selfish to think about your ex-boyfriend when your friend just lost the love of their life. so she wasn't thinking about it. or at least that was what she was telling herself. she and alex had come to a plateau. similarly to george and her, it was a relief to not hate him, but they weren't exactly buddy-buddy again either.

the point was things were alright. they appeared to be getting better, and that was about as good as eleanor could ask for.

or at least they were alright. now? not so much.

"oh, my god." addison said.

"oh, my god." derek added.

"you're joking. this is a joke, right?" eleanor looked to her older brother.

"is that..."

"mcsteamy." cristina smiled.

then all of a sudden meredith puked, and mr. sullivan put a lighter up to his face.

"no, mr. sullivan, don't light that!" george yelled, but it was too late and he had already burst into flames. they all scrambled the floor, getting fire extinguishers, calling the code, and rushing to help mr. sullivan. after all was settled, they went back to business as usual.

except it wasn't business as usual because mark was here.

eleanor thought him showing up here would be a one time thing, but she was a fool to think the universe would show her mercy.

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