006. hot rod

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"hot rod"
by dayglow

" truth is such a violent force
pushing you away
but we both know
the way it's gonna go
in the same way
maybe i'm not all that you thought
maybe you're not such a hot rod "

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"if tomorrow never comes"
season 1, episode 6

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"good morning, annie. how are you?" alex cheerfully asked their patient, something that had the rest of the room incredibly confused. bedside manor was not alex's strong suit, neither was smiling or having a good attitude, so to say they were shocked was an understatement. "this is dr. bailey and these are my fellow interns." he introduced.

"dr. karev, we refer to patients as mister--" bailey began.

"i told him to call me annie. miss connors makes me feel old and fat, which i am, but why feel that way?" she told bailey with a small smile. 

"good morning." doctor burke said as he stepped into the room.

"oh, annie, this is doctor burke -" he introduced. "-awesome surgeon" he whispered.

"dr. karev?" bailey signaled for him to present.

"oh, annie connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath for the past 3 months. found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. stable vital signs. scheduled for c.t. this morning, sir." alex explained.

"thank you, dr. karev. are you at all claustrophobic?" burke asked.

"i've been housebound for the past year. how claustrophobic could i be?" she asked.

"all right, then." burke nodded. "dr. shepherd is going to take you up for a c.t. it'll give us a better look at the tumor, and we'll know how to proceed." he explained.

"could someone tell my mom? she'll worry if she gets back and i'm not here." annie asked.

"yeah, of course. of course." burke obliged.

"and would it be possible for alex to take me instead? i mean, he -- he's just so fun to look at." she asked, earning a chuckled from both alex and eleanor, both for different reasons.

"annie." alex said through his teeth, embarrassed she had said that in front of his boss.

"sure. sure, miss connors. excuse me." he said just before he exited the patient's room.

"how much do you think it weighs?" meredith asked.

"60 pounds." george answered.

"more. she's carrying around a whole extra person." izzie added.

"this one's going in the books. i've got to get in." cristina said eagerly.

"well i could've been in if alex wasn't so 'fun to look at'" eleanor mocked. "you mean i'm not fun to look at? people should being paying to look at me, i'm hot."

"yeah, totally." george said a little too quickly, earning a side glance from izzie and meredith. completely oblivious to george, eleanor kept going.

"and what is with alex? he was being weird, that was so not alex." eleanor added.

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