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I feel a bit better. My mother told me how my father died. Car accident. I'm going to kill the person who crashed into my dad. I didn't tell you I also practice boxing. I came back to Dortmund. My mother hesitates between staying in my hometown or moving to Dortmund. I told her she could come to my apartment while waiting to find a house or a bigger apartment in Dortmund. I also told her I could sleep on the couch and her in my room. She will keep me in the loop because I will help her if she moves here. I have my driver's license but I have no car. I will drive her car if she comes.

I'm on my way to the soccer field. My team didn't probably like the fact I left during the match. I enter changing room and I put down my bag. I look down and I join my team. Avery isn't here. The other players barely look at me. We start the training quickly. I'm lost in my thoughts. I called all my family to be sure they're okay. I try to stay focused on the training but it's hard. 

The training ends and I put everything away. I start to walk and I say bye to everybody and they reply smiling. It warms my heart a bit. I want to leave Dortmund but I want to play at least two matches. By the way the next match is next Sunday. I will be there. I will be ready for it. I untie my hair and I take a shower quickly. One of my friends calls me and we talk for two hours. I tell him everything and to be honest I'm lucky to have him because he always gives me the best advice. He hangs up and I go to the kitchen. I cook something quickly because I feel a bit hungry. I hope my mother is fine. I can't wait to see her again. I start to feel dizzy again, I turn my phone off before I drink water. I grab my phone and I go up the stairs before I enter my room. I lay on my bed and I fall asleep easily. 

I wake up feeling sleepy. I grab my phone to look at the time but I notice I forgot to put my phone on charge so it has no battery. I get up groaning and I grab my charger. I go down the stairs and I connect my charger to the outlet and I let my phone charge. I clean everything quickly and I get dressed. I grab my earphones and my keys and I leave my apartment to go shopping. I need some fresh hair. Everything is confused since my dad's death. I don't know what I want, I don't know what I should do. I don't know anymore. My dad was everything to me. My mother and him taught me everything. My dad was my hero and he will be until the end. I'm lost. I want him back but it's not possible. It's impossible ! I come back and I spend the rest of the day at home. 

Then I go out again. It is night and it is raining cats and dogs. Yeah, raining. I fall to my knees crying. I get up and I sit on against a tree. I guess it protects me from the rain because I don't feel it anymore. I'm still crying. I curl up and I put my face on my knees. I look at my phone : 20% of battery and it's almost 2 am. I'm a bit far from home, but don't worry I know the way. I stay here perhaps for 30 minutes before I leave to come back home. I take my clothes off and I get changed. I dry my hair and I brush it. I grab a hoodie and I put it on me. I go to my room, I put my phone on charge and I turn the light off before I slump on my bed. I put my head on my teddy and I fall asleep.

I wake up at 11 am. My eyes sting because I didn't sleep enough. I suffer from insomnia sometimes. I yawn and I stay in my bed for 5 minutes trying to remember the dream I had. Yeah I dreamt about Erling. It is the first time I dream about him. I sigh and I get to my feet before I go down the stairs. I grab my speaker and I connect my phone to it. I put music on my speaker and I start to clean my apartment. When I'm done, I eat something and I brush my teeth before I get dressed. I go outside and I see some guys waiting in front of the door of the apartment block. Well, I open the door and I walk faster. Yeah because those guys started to follow me. They look odd. I still don't know Dortmund well but I know some spots where I can hide. I continue to walk fast and they still follow. However there is a distance between us. 

I admit I start to feel nervous because those same guys are still following me. They are far from me but I still see them looking at me. I stop walking and they stop as well. That's what I thought. I need to escape. I notice where I can go. I walk into a narrow street and I hide in a corner. I wear black clothes so it helps. I hear some whines and I feel some things against my ankle. I look down and I see a little dog (a German Shepard) and a little cat (American curl). My heart melts. 

What happened to them ? They are so skinny! Perhaps they suffer from malnutrition and they got dehydrated.

I squat down when I hear voices. The cat and the dog hide behind my legs and they stop whining. I see them (the guys) coming here. I hold my breath when they pass by me. They didn't see me. They search for me but, as they don't find me, they turn back and they leave. I wait some minutes to be sure they left. I stand up straight and I start to walk but the two animals whine again. I look at them and they come to me. I don't know what to do. I take them in my arms and I search for the nearest vet's clinic on my phone. I can walk 7 minutes to reach one. I put my phone in my pocket and I walk to the vet's clinic.

I enter it and I explain everything to the person who works here. She calls one of the vets and he takes me to a room. I explain what happened, I tell him I want to know if everything's okay with those animals and if it is possible to keep them at my apartment for a while to see if someone claims them. The vet examines the cat, then the dog. He tells me everything I should do to help them to recover. I pay the vet, I come back to the hall and I buy kibble and bowls for the cat and the dog. I also buy a leash for the dog. I come back at my apartment with everything. I put the bowls on the ground and I fill them with kibble and water. The cat and the dog start to eat and drink water. At least they don't have problems to eat. It warms my heart to see they get along well. I sit on the ground, they come to me to cuddle and to have caresses. I go outside again to buy a cat litter, a dog cushion and some toys for them. I come back and I install everything. I also walk the dog an hour before we come back to my apartment. I feel so tired and to be honest I can't wait to sleep. By the way I chose a name for the cat and for the dog. The former is Lua and the latter is Rocco. Lua is a female cat and Rocco is a male dog. 

I hope I will be able to help them to recover in addition to football. 

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