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I still can't believe I saw Erling. I'm at the airport to come back to Dortmund. I will run a bit tonight. Yeah, there is a training tomorrow and I don't want to go to it. I fall asleep in the airplane. I woke up in the middle of the flight. I sink into the seat sighing. I feel a bit cold and I don't have my hoodie. I think about tomorrow and I start to feel nervous. I can't wait to be at my apartment. There is still 1 hour before I arrive at the airport. There are two people next to me but I ignore them. I don't pay attention to other people. I'm in my little world. 

I go out of the airplane and I leave the airport. I walk to my apartment and I enter it. I feel so much better now. I change my clothes and I grab my earphones. I leave my apartment and I go outside. I start to run while listening to music. Suddenly I want to cry and it's getting hard to breathe. I decide to come back to my apartment. I ran for 30 minutes. I walk fast and I take my clothes off when I'm in my apartment. I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I go out and I get dressed. I get my bag ready for tomorrow. I sit on my bed, I turn my computer on and I connect my earphones to it. I look at my phone and I see that one of my friends is calling me. I don't reply because I want to be alone. I grab my teddy bear and I burst into tears. I'm not happy at all. 

I go to the kitchen and I eat a bit. I come back to my bedroom, I take a blanket and my teddy bear. I walk to the living room and I lay on the couch. I turn the TV on and I start to watch a movie. I almost fall asleep but something wakes me up. Indeed it was something in the movie. Yeah, I'm watching a scary movie. I sigh and I grab my phone. I open Instagram and I reply to some friends, I miss them so much. I also talk to some players from my old team. I miss them so much.

6:00 am. I open my eyes sighing. Yeah, I didn't sleep because I couldn't. I get up and I walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass, I put it on the table and then I grab the orange juice in the fridge. I pour it in the glass and I drink it. I put everything away and I get dressed quickly. I take my earphones and I leave my apartment. I tie my hair and I start to run. I notice nobody is outside, probably still sleeping. I guess I needed to run to clear my mind. The training starts from 4 pm to 6 pm. I don't want to see anyone. I mean I like the team, except for some people and you already know who they are. I come back home almost 2 hours later, I'm not tired. Not yet. I take a long shower. 

8:45 am. I'm on my couch and I don't know what to do. I look at the ceiling. I grab a book and I start to read it. It's a book by Stephen King. I love his books, I have a lot in my room. The one I read is Misery. Suddenly I hear my phone ringing. I grumble and I grab my phone. It's a number don't have in my contacts. I decide to not reply. I put my phone on the table and I keep reading. I finally fall asleep.

My phone is ringing again. It is probably that which wakes me up. I groan getting up. My head hurts a bit. I grab my phone and I notice I have a message in my voicemail. I play it and I recognize Erling's voice. What the fuck!  

This is the message : 

" Hi, Ashley. How to say that? You looked very beautiful the other night in the restaurant. I noticed you looked at me a lot of times. It made me smile. Then Robert came and told me you are one of my fans. I appreciate that. I hope everything is fine with your new life. I also looked at you for a moment and you looked so sad. Then, you faked a smile. I noticed it. I just want you to know I'm here for you. Sounds crazy? I agree but you know, I love my fans so much so I love you and I'm always here if you need anything. Well, I have to go. I hope you're okay. Call me back when you have time !"

I'm surprised, to be honest. I didn't expect it. I sit on the couch, a bit stunned. I want to call him back now but I make my mind up about calling him after the training. I turn the TV on and I put on music. I clean all my apartment, it takes an hour and a half to clean everything. I hear my phone vibrating, I turn it on and it's my coach who texted me to tell me I should come before the beginning of the training. 1 hour before it. Well, let's do it. I walk outside to get some fresh air. Some people look at me smiling. I sit on a bench in a park and I keep listening to music. I look at some kids playing with a ball. This is cute. I get up and I walk in the park. I meet some fans of BVB. They smile at me, and they ask me for photos and autographs. They also tell me I'm better than Avery. I don't agree but it warms my heart. I hug them before I keep walking. I lean on a barrier and I look at the sky. I smile all alone thanks to the music I'm listening to. It makes my mood better than before. I still think about the training but it doesn't annoy me this time. I have to do it so I have no choice. I spend the rest of the morning in the park. 

I'm coming back to my apartment. I see Avery and her b*tches in a bar. I change direction and go through another place so I don't run into them. Seeing them pissed me off. I was in a good mood and then I saw them. I enter a bakery and I buy a sandwich. I leave the bakery and I choose another song to listen to. I walk to my apartment and I enter it. I put my sandwich on the table, I turn the TV on and I sit on the couch. I continue watching a series I love while I eat my sandwich. When I'm done, I get dressed for the training. Yeah, I don't want to change in front of the team.

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