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I woke up before Avery does. I get dressed and I go to the bathroom. I brush my hair and my teeth. Then I hear Avery opening my bedroom's door. I lent her my bedroom for the night. She looks sleepy but better than yesterday night before we entered my apartment. She looked so scared. 

"What do you want for breakfast ?" - I ask

"Nothing, thanks. I'm not hungry and I'm not feeling well enough to eat anything." - She replies

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"It's about yesterday night. I was so scared. To be honest with you, I looked through the window of your bedroom and I saw that guy walking in the street. I guess he was still trying to find us Ash."

I grab a glass and a bottle of water and we sit on the couch. Avery drinks a bit of water and she tells me something else.

"At a moment he walked towards the apartment block and he entered it."

"Are you sure it was him?" 

"Yeah. I think he lives in your apartment block." 

Suddenly I go white and I start to breathe heavily. Avery puts her hand on my shoulder to show she's there. 

"Do you think he knows my apartment ?" - I ask

"I have no clue but I think you shouldn't stay in this apartment block." - Avery says

"I agree."

"Be careful Ash."

"I will."

Suddenly we hear someone knocking at my door. I look through the door peephole to see who is knocking and I see it's Erling.

"Oh fuck!"  

I act like I'm not there and a few minutes later I see him leaving. I feel sad because I wanted to see him as well but I didn't want him to see Avery because I knew it would hurt him. I come back to the living room and I hide my sadness. 

"Who was there?" - Avery asks

"A neighbor." - I lie


"To be honest I think I will leave Dortmund."

"Why ? You're a great player and we can go so far with you Ash !"

"I know but I feel like I shouldn't be there. It's still hard for me to be far from people I love."

"It's hard for everybody. At least stay until the end of the season."

"Okay, I will."

"We'll do it all together."


"Wanna go outside ?" - Avery asks

"Why not."

We get ready and I lock the door before we leave with Rocco. Indeed Erling left the apartment block. By the way he texted me after he left. 

Erling : Hi Ash! I came to your apartment but you weren't there. I hope you're okay. I wanted to see you because I needed to talk. To be honest I also wanted to see you."

That's what I replied :

Ashley : Hey Erling! I apologize not to be there when you came. I'm in the city center and you can join me if you want to. I also wanted to see you.

I put my phone in my pocket. Avery and I stay in a park talking about soccer. We keep talking but we are interrupted by a call from her father. I wait until it's done. 

"I must leave Ash, I'm sorry." - Avery says

"It's okay. Be careful on your way." - I reply

"You as well."

We wave at each other and she leaves the park. I text Erling to know where he is.

Ashley : Where are you ?
Erling : Next to your soccer field.
Ashley : Coming! 
Erling : I have a soccer ball so we can play.
Ashley : Yeah!

I walk fast to the soccer field. I notice the other guy (who followed yesterday night) saw me and he starts to follow me. I text Erling to warn him about that and he tells me he is going to pick me up so I share him my location. I start to feel nervous because that guy walks fast so he moves closer to me. I decide to enter a store and I act like I'm searching for something. I see him entering the store. 

"Fuck !"

I warn Erling I'm in a story and he understands the reason why.

Erling : Trying to hide from him?
Ashley : Yeah but he entered the store as well.
Erling : Go out, I'm in front of it.

I walk faster to the exit and I see Erling's car. I walk towards it and I enter it before we leave. 

"Thanks Erling." - I say

"No problem princess." - Erling replies

I smile when I hear him saying that. 

"Why was he following you?" - Erling asks

"Yesterday night I was at a nightclub with Avery and he was there. He stared badly at Avery and I grabbed her arm to leave and we left but he followed us. I was so nervous that I called Robert to pick us up. He drove us to my apartment. Moreover, I discovered that guy lives in my apartment block so I think I'll move to another apartment block."

"Oh shit! Do you feel better ? I'll help you with the move."

"Thanks Erling but I don't know where to go. I feel better and you?"

"Come with me in England !" - Erling declares

I open my mouth to say something but no sounds come out. I didn't expect that. 

"We'll look for an apartment for you if you want to." - Erling adds

"I need time to think about it." - I say

"Take your time Ash, there is no hurry."

"Thank you."

I look at him smiling and he smiles at me back. He drives to the soccer field and we play soccer for two hours. 

"You're impressive Ash ! I love the way you play !" - Erling says

"Thanks but you're better than me. Don't forget you're my favorite soccer player !" - I reply 

"You will probably become my favorite as well." 

"I hope so!"

Erling laughs and we keep playing a bit before we take a break. We drink water and we sit on a bench before we talk about my season in Dortmund. By the way my ankle is better, I don't have the sprain anymore so I will be able to play again.

"You'll stay in Dortmund?" - Erling asks

"Yeah at least until the end of the season and then I'll see. I already missed some matches because I had a sprained ankle." - I reply

"Your ankle is okay now ?"

"Yeah, I went and saw my doctor this week and he told me I could play soccer again but I should be careful."

"I agree. You still play so well Ash."

"Thanks Erling." 

"Wanna play again ?"

"I think I leave it to be honest. What about you?"

"I leave it as well."

"What do you want to do ?"

"I have an idea : we go to our apartment and we get ready for tonight."

"What happens tonight."

"You'll see princess."

I smile and I can't wait to be tonight.

Don't Leave Me (Erling Haaland)Where stories live. Discover now