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So I settled yesterday and Erling stayed that night. He left on morning to go to England for a training with Manchester City. I keep putting things away until 2 pm. I'm done with everything. I hope I won't have to move to another apartment again. 

Avery texts me to know where I am now, I text her my address and she says she's there in 10 minutes. I open the door when I hear her knocking on the door. 

"Why did you move here?" - Avery asks

"Remember the weird guy who followed us and who was my neighbor ?" - I reply


"It's because of him, he didn't stop following me and I stopped feeling safe in my former apartment. I hope I will feel safe here."

"I hope too. Anyway, what you want to do today?"

"Wanna play soccer a bit?"

"Yeah why not."

I grab my soccer ball and we walk to the soccer field. We play for two hours. Some people joined  us to play with us. I feel exhausted and I drink my bottle of water. I sit on the bench and Avery joins me.

"I guess you wanna take a shower at my apartment ?"- I say, giggling a bit

"Yes please." - She say

She giggles a bit as well. We walk to my apartment and she takes a shower quickly. Avery leaves my apartment and I stay in the living room for a while. I ignore some phone calls I receive because I want to listen to music and I want to be alone. I text my mother to send her my new address, then I look at myself through the window. How can I be so unhappy ? I sigh and I keep listening to music while cleaning my apartment. When I'm done, I go to the bathroom and I fill the bathtub with hot water. I let the water run in the bathtub and I go to my bedroom to take some clothes. I come back to the bathroom and I stop the water. I enter the bathtub and I sigh. I feel so much better now. I close my eyes a bit but I open them a few minutes later when I hear my phone ringing (again). It's Erling. I smile a bit. I pick the call up.

"Yes?" - I say

"It's Erling." - He says


"Are you okay? You sound sad."

"I'm fine thanks. What about you?" 

"I'm fine as well. I call you because I wanted to hear your voice."

I smile and I blush immediately.

"It's cute, Erling."

"I wanted to ask something too."

"What is it ?"

"Can I come back tomorrow night ? My training is tomorrow afternoon and I want to spend the evening and night with you."

"Yeah you can come."

You can't see me but I have a big smile on my face. I can't wait to see him. 

"Thanks Ash. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you too."

"I'm gonna pack my bag, see ya tomorrow Ash?"

"Yep, see ya Erling !"

"See ya princess!"

He hangs up and I put my phone on the bathroom sink. I wash my hair and my body. I empty the bathtub and I get dried before I get dressed. I brush my hair and I go to the kitchen to feed Lua and Rocco. I walk to the living room and I see them sleeping on the couch. I smile, I grab the remote and my PlayStation controller. I sit next to Lua and Rocco before I turn the tv and the PlayStation on. I want to play video games a bit. I play at Far Cry Primal. 

I look at my phone to know what time it is. I see it is 9 pm. I have no clue of how long I played. I get up and I walk to the kitchen to cook something. I'm not really hungry but I'll still try to eat. I cook pasta and I put Parmesan on them. I start to eat dinner in front of a movie. I'll probably train a bit tomorrow before being with Erling. I smile all alone thinking about being with him. I can't wait to hug him. I do the dishes and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

I lay on my bed and I try to sleep even if I'm impatient to be tomorrow. 


I'm outside, I just left with Rocco. We are walking to the soccer field. There are already some people but I don't pay attention to them. I start to train a bit and Rocco plays with another dog, I still keep an eye on him. Just in case something happens. Indeed something happens : someone try to take Rocco, and that person is the other weird guy. I hit the ball to make it go in his direction and it hits his head. That guy falls and Rocco runs quickly towards me and it stays with me. A girl comes to me and thanks me because the other dog was hers. That guy was trying to take her dog as well. Then, she recognizes me and she asks me an autograph. I accept and I tell her she should leave with her dog because it isn't safe anymore. 

I grab the ball quickly and I leave almost running with Rocco by my side. I don't know if that guy is still on the ground but I don't care. He pissed me off. I enter my apartment and I lock the door. I take a shower quickly and I go to the living room. I'm not in mood to play videos games or to listen to music. I stay vigilant. I get up and I look through the window discreetly. 

Why am I like this? 

I open my eyes wide when I see him in the street. He keeps walking until he stops. My heart stops beating when I see him turning his head everywhere, including in my direction. He stops looking everywhere and he stares in my direction. He probably saw me because he started to walk in my direction. He walks quickly. I fall down because I don't feel my legs anymore. I feel like they're weak. 

I jump when I hear someone knocking on the door violently. That person seems angry. I move silently and discreetly. I look through the peephole and I see it's him. I come back slowly in the living room. He still screams insults and threats. I decide to call police and when a policeman picks the call up, I tell him everything and he replies saying some policemen are coming. He stays with me until his colleagues arrive. I hear them coming but not the guy. He didn't stop screaming and he still knocks on the door. 

I look through the window when I stop hearing noises. Indeed, the policemen took him. I feel a bit safer now. 

I think I'll feel safer when Erling is there.

Don't Leave Me (Erling Haaland)Where stories live. Discover now