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I have no news from Erling for a while but I don't text him because I want to see if he is going to text me. I don't expect anything from him. He does what he wants. I'm not a toy. I get bored and I decide to play again at my PlayStation 4. I fall asleep slowly without realizing it. I wake up jumping because my phone is ringing. I pick up the phone and I hear Erling's voice. I try not to sigh. 

"Yes ?" - I say

"I needed to talk." - Erling replies

"Go on."

"I'm feeling sad right now because Avery left me."

"Why did she leave you ?"

"She said I changed and she also said she doesn't love me anymore."

"I see. That's sad."

I try not to laugh because I already knew she was going to leave him. You don't need to ask me how I know it. I felt it coming. 

"Well, you'll be fine without her." - I add

"I hope."

"I need to hang up Erling. My mother's calling me."

"Okay Ash, I hope she's fine."

"Yeah. See ya!"

"See ya!"

In fact, it's Avery who is calling me and I want to know what she wants to tell me.

"Heyyy Ash!" 

"Heyyy, what's up ?"

"Well, it's complicated. What about you?"

"I'm fine thanks. Wanna talk about it?" 

"Can we talk about it at a cafe please? I need fresh air and I always drink something hot when I tell my problems to something."

"Yeah sure. When do you want us to join?"

"5 pm?"

"Let's go!"

"Thank you so much Ash!"

"No problem."

I feel like we talk like we are best friends even if it's not the case. Avery hangs up saying bye and I put my phone on the table before I get ready. Rocco will stay with Lua. I went to the dog park on Morning with Rocco. I lock the door before I leave the apartment. I walk to the cafe and I see Avery in front of it. She looks sad. I wave at her when she raises her head. She smiles and she waves at me as well. We enter the cafe and we sit next to a table. Avery orders a coffee and I order a hot chocolate. 

"You okay ?" - I ask

"Well, I don't know to be honest." - Avery replies

"I'm all ears."

"It's about Erling. I broke up with him because I don't love me anymore. However I feel sad because I hurt him."

"Why did you stop loving him?"

"I have no clue, it just stopped."

She starts to cry. I'm so bad at comforting people. 

"You know what ?" - I ask

"What ?" - She replies

"Tonight we're gonna have fun, get ready and we'll eat pizza before we'll go to the amusement arcade."

"Really ?!!"

"Yeah !"

Avery looks so happy. She started to smile again. She's probably still a bit sad but at least I made her smile and happy. 

"Will we go to a nightclub ?" - Avery adds

"I have no clue, we'll see." - I reply

"Okay. I think it would be better to go there another night."

"Yeah I agree."

We finish our drinks and we leave the cafe. Don't worry we paid the check of our two drinks. I walk to my apartment and Avery goes to hers. I unlock the door before I enter it. Rocco and Lua are so happy to see me and it warms my heart. I feed them and I go to the bathroom to take a shower. Then, I get dressed and I brush my teeth. I put some stuff in my bag and I lock the door of my apartment. I go down the stairs and I leave the apartment building. To be honest, I don't feel safe walking all alone when it's dusk or at night. 

I feel much better when I see Avery coming. She looks beautiful. She hugs me when she sees me. It makes me smile and we enter the pizzeria. We order two pizzas and we wait for them talking about soccer. She's ready to play matches. I'm not at all. I still have my sprained ankle and I missed a lot of trainings. I need time to get my level back. I'm bored sometimes because I can't play soccer for a while. I can't wait to play again. By the way, there is a match soon. I'll be there as well but only as a spectator. I'm impatient. 

We eat our pizza before we leave to go to the amusement arcade. I put my phone in my pocket and I start to play at a game in the amusement arcade. Avery is playing at another game. She's having fun. However I notice a weird guy looking at her. I stop playing at my game when it's done and I order a drink before I sit on a chair to look at him discreetly. He's odd. He has brown hair, he's taller than us and he looks older than us. He stares at Avery so he didn't notice me. Avery stops playing and she orders a drink. She grabs it and she joins me. 

"Are you okay ?"- Avery asks

"Yeah, what about you?" - I reply

"I'm fine. You look annoyed!"

"I know."

"What's wrong Ash ?"

"It's not what but who."

By the way I'm still staring at that guy. 

"What do you mean?"


She turns her head and she sees that guy who is staring at her. 

"What's wrong with him?" - Avery asks

"I have no clue but he is staring at you for a while and it pisses me off." - I say

That guy starts to walk towards us. I grab Avery's arm and I walk towards the exit. We're not safe anymore here. I look behind us and I see that guy who is following us. 

"Where are we going to?" - Avery asks

"I have no clue but we have to hide because he is still following us." - I reply

Avery sighs as well. We keep walking in the city. I'm afraid to be honest. I call someone to pick us up. We keep walking and a few minutes later I see the person I called. Yeah I called Robert. He is coming with his car and we enter it. He drives us to my apartment and I tell Avery to stay here tonight. She agreed and she said she will come back to her apartment tomorrow. I hope she won't be in trouble when she comes back.

Don't Leave Me (Erling Haaland)Where stories live. Discover now