Chapter 1: Swans and Foxes

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Be it whoever, if your family influences society in any way that involves politics, money and reputation, it is mostly guaranteed that your significant others will have been chosen without your consent, or worst, against your better judgement.

Mrs Myoui, known as Madam M, is an owner of more than half of the buildings in Seoul inherited from her father who has been a famous politician during the 1930s. She then married a man who shares the same status as hers and gave birth to a handsome boy who grew up to marry a well-known lawyer. Madam M's newest family member is her granddaughter named Mina who is expected to follow her grandmother's footsteps in becoming the leader of one of the biggest Mafia families in Seoul.

Beakjo (Swan), Myoui's family nicknamed by the police, has always been famous for importing drugs into the country using connections that the late family leader had. However, after the leadership position was passed down to Madam M, Baekjo started investing in real estate both nationally and internationally. At first, it was rumoured that Madam M was probably trying to cover bigger schemes behind it. However, after decades of trying to bust them and the family members being followed by police and investigators, nothing illegal has yet to be confirmed. Eventually, the newly formed police force during the late 80s decided to give them a break.

On the other hand, Yo-ou (Fox), another well-known family for underground gambling and casinos started to be hunted endlessly and successfully by the police throughout the 80s after the change in the family leader in the early 70s. Mr Jeon, nicknamed Sseulegi (Rubbish) by the police force( and called secretly by his family members), has a habit of drinking and leaking information. The family wouldn't have survived this long if it's not because of the buildings they own in the capital that still make some money. He was jailed five times and is no more than a finger-snap away from being filed for Bankruptcy for the second time.

The police almost give it a rest seeing that there's no way the family would be able to regain the reputation or status ever again but rumours broke out that Sseulegi 's son who he had out of wedlocks with an unknown actress has caught Madam M's eyes and both Sseulegi and her are talking of merging the families through an arranged marriage between the latest family members of the two families, Myoui Mina and Jeon Wonwoo.

"This is completely bullsh*t"

Said Sseulegi as he smashed his whiskey glass onto the table in range, shattering half of it into dust.

"Well, I can always take back my offer. It's not like there's no one better than your son am I right?"

Madam M smirked. She clicked her fingers casually and another glass full of whiskey was served to Sseulegi, including a handkerchief for his right hand that is dirty with his blood.

"I don't like things dirty, so I'll just take your son and all the buildings you have left. I don't care about the underground casinos as they certainly don't make enough money to cover the glass you just broke anyways-"

"You b*tch!!! Obviously, you want those buildings, they are the only things I own that make money enough to have a roof over my head!"

"You will not be giving them for free. Think about it, sooner or later those buildings will be taken by the banks anyways. You are less than a heartbeat away from completely having absolutely nothing. And here I am, offering you a reputation to become a part of Beakjo and a bright future for your son who is studying to become a heart Surgeon. I will be sponsoring his tuitions and living expenses seeing that you are failing to do so" Madam M took a sip of her Rose tea "You will also be out of debt as I will pay those banks and loan sharks for you if you sign our agreement"

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