Chapter 2: Double-dealing

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"Isn't she so pretty? I mean- look at this face? She could easily be an actress!"

"Can you quit it? You look like an idiot holding her picture like that"

Wonwoo scoffed. Jeonghan has been talking about Mina since last week, and he doesn't seem to stop.

"Did I tell you I spent ₩30,000 on it? The monotone gives the feel like she's a 40s fairy don't you think so?"

"Yeah, you did, and if you tell me one more time about it, I'll burn it and pay ₩30,000 back to you"

Jeonghan pouted hearing his best friend but continued to admire the picture.

Both were sitting in the cafeteria with other students who look half dead from being overworked. They feel honoured to have their internship at a well-known hospital in Seoul but great work experiences also come with great sleep deprivation.

Wonwoo used the time that Jeonghan stopped talking to close his eyes and feel the cool air conditioner wind touches his face.

"Where's Jeon Wonwoo?"

Said a voice and up come Wonwoo's supervisor who happened to be his senior.


Wonwoo sighed. Usually, if Seulgi-sunbae tries to find him, it means he's getting scolded. He also got scolded recently because of the chaos last week with the man who kept calling him Sseulegi. The man complained about Wonwoo's rudeness to a doctor he saw right after, and that happened to be Seulgi.

"There's a patient in the ER who refused to be treated. He got some cuts on his face and some deeper cuts on his arms and he kept asking for you"

"What's his name?"

"I don't know. He kept going about how people should know him"

Wonwoo let out a small groan. He knows exactly who the man is.

When he arrived at the ER, the man was laying in an awkward position on the bed. His arms were crossing over his head and his right leg was hanging off the bed while the left was on top of his right thigh. Not to mention, his face was incredibly red from all the consumption of alcohol.

"Bring me JEON WONWOO!!!"

"I'm here. Please keep it down, sir. You are disturbing other patients and the hospital staffs"

"Ah! You're here? Come and give your old man a hug will you?"

"I haven't seen you being this drunk in a while"

           Sseulegi chuckled. He looked at his son who is a reflection of his younger self.

"Your eyes are just like my father"

"Really? What about them"

Wonwoo started cleaning his father's wounds. The cuts on the arms aren't too serious. None of them was close to the radial artery but they still require stitches.

"They're cold. Just like yours. They're full of disappointment. Just like yours too"

"Then don't do things that'll disappoint me"

"Ha! Even your words starting to sound like him"

Seeing how his son looked more annoyed than ever, he reached for the curtain.

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