Chapter 6: Little Things

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"Your wife has been home for a month now but I haven't seen you take any time off. Aren't you working yourself too hard?"

Baekhyun asked all of a sudden while they were walking through the ward to visit their patients.

"Mind your own business, Baekhyun-sunbae. He's still a student. Not a graduate like you"

Seulgi said as she rolled her eyes. Baekhyun graduated two years before her and is a senior surgeon at the hospital. He used to be her supervisor and is now her co-worker but she has little to no respect for him because of his oblivious manners when it comes to personal things.

"Chill~ I'm just asking. It's not like I'm committing any crime!"

Baekhyun pouted. He knows Wonwoo is still under Seulgi's supervision after all these years but he feels neglected that she gives Wonwoo more attention than him. It's not anything romantic. It's just his childishness that still survives in his body somehow. Being forced to study ever since he was young, he had little to no time to be a kid at all.

"How it's going between you two though?"

Jeonghan asked when he saw Seulgi starts lecturing Baekhyun on personal matters for the fifth time that day.

"We're good"


"We didn't fight or anything. I get to see her from time to time in the morning when she's leaving the house with Madam M. Sometimes, when she comes home late, I would wake up just in time to see her goes to bed"

Jeonghan stared at his best friend and blinked. Usually, when he asks Wonwoo this kind of questions years ago, he would just say 'I'm trying to survive'. Hence, he assumed the house must be quite horrid itself. However, lately, Wonwoo has gotten more varieties in his answer like 'Not bad' or 'Adequate'.

"She also has quite a habit you know?"

"What habit?"

"Before she says something, she would stick her tongue out"

Wonwoo noticed Jeonghan's weird stare at him.


"You're having a crush on her aren't you?"

"What? No!"

Wonwoo frowned. Jeonghan's imagination is surely beyond the world in his opinion.

"Then why would you know her cute habit?"

"I never said that it's cute. I just said it's her habit"

"Do you find it cute when she does that then?"

Jeonghan asked but when Wonwoo doesn't answer, he just shrugged and continued walking. He has already gotten his answer. It's always the 'little things' that give away.


Autumn starts approaching and the couple sees each other even less. People get sick more often during the season and it is the time they would start moving houses or think of going on holiday for the upcoming Christmas.

Mina has forgotten the last time she has slept properly. She would be flying aboard in the morning and come home the next day or the same day just to fly out to a different country or different city again. Her schedule is packed with business meetings or attending auctions but both often come together in a day. There are a lot of projects still going on and Madam M keeps finding new routes to expand her real estate business.

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