Chapter 12: Treachery

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        He started looking at her lips like it's the most enchanting meal he has yet to taste.

        Mina watched as Wonwoo leaned closer and closer to her face until his hot breath lingers on her cheek.

        There were light knocks sound and Mina quickly turned to look at the door.

       "Don't worry. It's not our room..."

        Wonwoo whispered and kissed Mina on her cheek.

        He then kissed her forehead when she turned around again. Feeling the flame in his heart burning even more.

        "What has gotten into you?"

        Mina asked with her shaking voice before all her consciousness leave her body.

       "We made a deal... didn't we?"

       Wonwoo smirked. Seeing Mina's eyes slowly losing focus confirmed that he has finally got a hold of her.

       He was only half an inch away from her lips when they heard louder knocks on the door this time.

       Mina used the moment where Wonwoo is distracted to twist herself out of his embrace and run out of the room.

       It was Baekhyun who walked in with some snacks but he was greeted with Wonwoo's deadly eyes instead.


        With what happened last night, Mina just concluded to herself that it was Wonwoo's painkillers since they are known to cause hallucinations if taken a lot. Meaning Wonwoo could have done all of it without his consciousness. When she saw him again late at night, she tried to act normal as if nothing had happened.

         Mina also made sure to sit on the sofa a few feet away from him and brought her work to do there just to make sure he won't try anything funny.

         "Why are you sitting so far away?"

         "Uh... I have work to do... I need a proper table"

         Said Mina as she continued to go through her documents. She could still feel his eyes on her.

         "But we made a deal..."

         Wonwoo muttered.

         "Do you have the evidence?"

         Said Mina with a smirk. She knew she has an upper hand now because they didn't write the deal down on paper.

          "Us remembering we made the deal isn't enough?"

          "No, I have no idea what you're talking about"

          Replied Mina although her ears started to turn pink.

          "You should sleep and quickly recover"

          "Can you hold my hand? I sleep better that way"

          Mina knew it was probably one of Wonwoo's tricks and refused. She has a lot of work and no interest in falling into his trap.

          "I have a lot of work, Wonwoo. You also need to catch up with your studies and work"


          Wonwoo said with a tiny pout like a child not getting the toy he wants. Mina could only sigh at the sight. She wondered if he knocked his head somewhere during the fight.

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