Chapter 13: Late regret

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It was four in the morning when Madam M heard the door slowly slide open. She listened to the footsteps of the newcomer until the person sat next to her on the bed. She could hear them sniffing softly.

"Why are you crying? I'm fine"

Said Madam M tiredly and she slowly sat up against the bedhead.

"I'm so so sorry, Granny. I said all of that to you- I-"

Madam M turned on the lamp beside her and saw Mina's face covered in tears. She pulled her granddaughter in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry too. You must have been hurt a lot"

"Sorry, Granny. I shouldn't have said all those things..."

"It's quite alright. I'm glad I got to see you again... Now listen to me"

Said Madam M as she wiped Mina's tears away.

"When I was little, I followed my father around and he teach taught me things, good and bad. I did things I regret. I snug a lot of drugs into this country. The lord would probably send me to hell. After your grandfather died, I tried to stay as clean as I can. I wanted a stable life but I became greedy and I end up like how you see me now"

Mina looked at her grandmother who appear the softest she has ever seen in years with her tired appearance.

"I am no longer capable of doing things like I used to. The position of the leader of Baekjo is yours now" Seeing how Mina looks so shocked, the old lady chuckled "You should also learn how to hold in your emotions, my dear. It does give away... anyways, I've been training you all your life for this position. I know you are ready now"

"But Granny... How am I supposed to do it without you?"

"I'll still be there as your adviser but not really active... My secretary, Wonho, will help you. You are more capable than you think, my dear. I'm sorry that I tend to take your abilities and brain for granted. You're more than twice who I was when I first started"

She stroked Mina's hair gently.

"Your husband isn't a bad kid at all. You have to give me on that. I have always had sharp eyes for these things" She laughed "But you are free to divorce him if you like. It is, after all, a deal between you two. I should have never meddled in"

"You're growing too fast and I was scared that I won't be able to keep up with you... I never thought I would see you cry so much for a boy nor you would kneel just to beg me to let you stay with him.. I was quite insensitive to your feelings. I apologised. My time has come and I'm not in my prime anymore. I am sure, you'll lead us in a great direction"

Mina started feeling overwhelmed and she continued to cry despite her grandmother's request not to. Finally, the old lady just sighed and let her granddaughter have her moment.

Mina finally arrived back home at dawn and Wonwoo have been eagerly waiting for her return since no one knows where she went. He was so happy to see her back home safely that he forgot what she have said the night before.

"You're home"

"Yes, I am"

"Did you get to see Granny?"

Granny... Mina chuckled bitterly to herself. It has taken Wonwoo a while to stop calling her grandmother Madam M. Now things are about to go back to where they used to be.

"Yes, I did"

"Are you guys alright with each other now?"

Mina nodded.

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