Chapter 3: A Couple of Sinners

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         There were deliveries made to the ER staff and the higher-up people of the hospitals. It came when no one was expecting and what is inside is even more shocking to some of the staff who work with Wonwoo.

          Within the brown envelope titled W&M is an invitation card to Jeon Wonwoo's wedding. Wonwoo's name was shocking to see, especially to the female staff but it was even more shocking to see Myoui Mina's name on the card.

"Myoui Mina?! The Black Swan of Beakjo?!"

Jeno, who happened to be handed his invitation first, exclaimed so loud that he made some of the patients flinch.

"Shh! Jeno-ssi. This is a hospital remember?"

Dahyun, a reception nurse said as she put her index finger on her lips.

"I never knew Wonwoo-sunbae has a girlfriend but this is HUGE"

Haechan joined in. Both Jeno and him are the newest medical student interns that the hospital took in.

"What's with all the noise guys?"

Jeonghan asked and Dahyun handed him his invitation.

          After standing still for a good one minute, Dahyun finally shook Jeonghan out of his shock state.

"Jeonghan-ssi. Did you know about this in the first place?"

" I just went to the toilet and now that I walked out, my best friend is getting married..."

There was horror in Jeonghan's eyes. First off, he had been fanboying over Mina and even asked Wonwoo to introduce him to her at the party which made him feel extra guilty and embarrassed at what he did. Second, he knows that Wonwoo has never wanted to get married so this sudden wedding feels sketchy. He has a feeling that perhaps his best friend might have done some bidding with Beakjo and lost, or he decided to quit being a doctor and is planning to bring Yo-ou's reputation back again somehow.

"Good afternoon"

Wonwoo said casually. He just finished taking his break and is generally in a good mood. However, he quickly sensed the atmosphere of the room and became self-conscious.

"Congratulations Sunbae!!!"

Both Jaeno and Haechan shouted and ran to give him pats on the back.

"Congrats. I'm happy for you too but are you in such a hurry that you can't wait for yourself to attend the graduation ceremony first?"

Seulgi said after checking the wedding invitation herself.

"I don't think I'm quite following what you guys are talking about"

"Your wedding! Duh! Everybody here is getting the invitation. The ER's director told me she got it too so I rushed down here to get mine"

Seulgi frowned annoyingly at Wonwoo's obliviousness. It was Jeonghan who finally handed him the invitation.

Upon looking at it Wonwoo needed to take a deep breath and sighed. He knew that this would somehow happen but he had a high expectation that Madam M should at least have more manners and asked her secretary to tell him that the invitations will be sent to his co-workers. He's pretty sure the other higher-up people got them by now including the chief surgeon.


Jeonghan said and gave him a giant hug, Wonwoo almost fall backwards.

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