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"Agent Manoban, are you ready?" The chief asked the unsuspecting girl.

"Yes, sir." Lisa replied.

"Remember, protect my daughter and don't disappoint me." The chief walked away. A group of men takes her to a car and drives her to a brand new high school.


She takes a step in her new classroom. Brings back old memories. She takes a seat beside a girl, the girl has dark, black hair and dark, brown eyes. 

"Class, listen up." The teacher shouted. "We have a new student, please welcome her." 

Lisa stood up at her seat. "Hello, everyone. My name is Lisa, nice to meet you." Lisa smiled before sitting back down.

"Jisoo, please show her around later at break." The teacher ordered.

"I will." The girl sitting beside Lisa replied.

The chief's daughter.. Jisoo. This will be easier than expected. Lisa thought to herself.

"Students, please turn to page 45 of your English textbooks, Kim Namjoon, please read the first chapter." The teacher flipped open her textbook.


"Hey, Lisa, do you want a tour of the place?" Jisoo tapped on her shoulder when she was about to open her locker.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Lisa replied with a smile.

Jisoo took a tour of the school with Lisa. "What's it like at night here?" Lisa tries to get some information out of Jisoo.

"The school is closed at 4:30 pm every weekday. When it's about 8:00 pm, people gather in places nearby here to smoke and drink." Jisoo replied.

"Oh. Do you?" Lisa asked.

"Oh, no, not for me. My dad will never let me do any of those stuff." Jisoo tells her. "That's it for the tour."

"Thanks." Lisa exchanged numbers with Jisoo. "I hope we can be friends."


Jisoo walked back to class with Lisa. Lisa notices weird habits of people in the classroom. It fits the side effects of the drug. She notices that 9 people were doing those weird things.

Lisa writes it down on her notebook before excusing herself to the bathroom. She puts a voice recorder in the bathroom, in a couple classrooms, and in a few other alleys in the school.

She then take a very small camera disguised as a pen and clips it onto her shirt as a body camera. Then, she walks back to the classroom and sits down.


"Do you want to sit with me?" Jisoo notices Lisa sitting alone.

"Sure." Lisa joins Jisoo in her table. "Do you usually sit alone?"

"Yeah, but I don't really mind, it gives me time to think to myself." Jisoo smiled.

Lisa have never met such a quirky and pretty girl. She was disappointed that she found Jisoo in a mission. If only she met Jisoo when she was in high school. 

"You're very pretty, do you know that?" Lisa said while munching on some food.

"Thanks." Jisoo blushed, she wasn't used to getting compliments. For Jisoo, Lisa is a very brave student, brave, tall and wise. She was magnificent. 

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