Chapter 2

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A few men throws in some microwavable food that is half frozen. Lisa hands a dish to Jisoo before eating it herself.

"Do you hate me?" Lisa asked Jisoo. "For lying to you."

"How old are you really?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm just 3 years older than you, not much difference." Lisa replied.

Jisoo was poking around her food. "I don't hate you, you are different from the rest of the people my dad sent to protect me. You actually care.."

You actually care. Those words were ringing in Lisa's ear. 

Suddenly, Namjoon returned. He sat down in front of the large window. Jisoo and Lisa could see him saying something, but couldn't make out what he was saying. Then, a couple of guards dragged Jisoo out to another room. 

"Jisoo!" Lisa could only looked as the guards took her away.

"You and I are going to have a little chat." Namjoon smirked. "Just the two of us."

"What do you even want?" Lisa asked.

"Money.. lots of it. I already told your little police friends that I have the both of you hostage. Let's see how long it takes them to get the money." Namjoon grinned.

"Why do you need the two of us, why not just me, you can just release Jisoo.." Lisa asked.

"Come on, I thought you were smarter than that. You're just an agent. The chief can get rid of you anytime he wants. But his daughter, never." Namjoon chuckled. "I need you both alive too, or the negotiations won't work. And in the negotiation, the chief is just going to ask for her daughter back. You're just a pawn they use to get good reputation."

Suddenly, the men throws Jisoo back into the room. She was filled with cuts and bruises. She was shivering too. 

"What the hell did you do to her?" Lisa yelled.

"Woah, easy there. Testing out a new torture device, you can see how another one of my inventions work now." Namjoon signals for the men to take Lisa to another room.

Lisa gets taken in another empty room. It was very cold in the room, it was a literal human freezer.

"This invention is not as bad as the one your little friend got." Namjoon smirked. "But it's still hard to bear. I'll give you one last chance, you can join my side and I won't hurt you anymore."

"No, who do you think I am, I'm not going to do that!" Lisa replied.

Namjoon gave a signal and the lights turned dimmer. It was the pure coldness and the darkness accompanying her.

Lisa wakes up back in the empty room with Jisoo. Her whole body felt painful from the cold, but she is slowly getting better. She sees Jisoo asleep on the ground. She was filled with bruises and cuts everywhere, it was hard to look.

She pecked Jisoo on the lips while she was asleep before getting up and grabbing a cup of water on the ground and drinking it.

Suddenly, a man walked in and grabbed Jisoo and Lisa out of the room and into another room. There was a few cameras there.

Suddenly, Namjoon walked in with a gun pointing at Jisoo. 

"Look, if you don't get me the money by 1:00 pm, she's going to be dead. Your little daughter and your pesky agent." Namjoon said to the camera.

"Look, we can talk this out." Jisoo recognised her dad speaking.

"Fuck, sorry, did I not explain it clearly?" Namjoon loaded the gun and pointed it at Jisoo's head. "Do you get it now? Get me the money and I'll let your little daughter go." 

"Look, we're sending in the money through wire transfer, just wait." The chief sounded nervous.

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