Chapter 5

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"We're finally here." Lisa closed the door to the car and locked it. They were at a house Lisa rented beforehand. The light inside seemed to be on. Lisa grabbed her pocket knife before entering. Jisoo was following right behind her.

Suddenly, a few masked men covered their faces with a bag before tying their hands and taking them to a truck.

One of the men took off the bag covering their eyes. It revealed men with guns and weapons wearing all black. The men tied their mouths shut with a big piece of cloth. They see Namjoon in front of them.

"Long time no see." He said with a smirk. "After a month of hard work, I have found you two little rascals. Don't you miss me?" 

They arrive not long later at a new place. It was like a warehouse. There were tons of rooms inside and a lot of people wearing suits walking around.

Namjoon throws the two in separate empty rooms. He ordered men to remove the cloths from their mouths to let them talk.

"What the fuck do you need now, you've got the money already." Lisa stood up, looking through the glass window and watching Namjoon talk through the microphone.

"The money's not enough, sure we got a new base but they'll find this place eventually and we'd have to move again." Namjoon grinned.

"Where's Jisoo?" Lisa glared at Namjoon.

"She's just in another room, no biggie." Namjoon walked to Jisoo's room. "You seem much calmer than your little agent friend." Namjoon said through the microphone.

Jisoo just stayed silent.

"The silent treatment huh. I'll get a word out of you sooner or later. You remember that bullet you got on your foot?" Namjoon says something to one of his men. The man walked into Jisoo's room with a gun. He reloads the gun and points it at the same place of the foot Jisoo got shot at. Namjoon studied Jisoo's facial expression.

"Impressive, not one sign of fright." Namjoon looked at Jisoo.


"You disgrace!" A man hit Jisoo's face. Jisoo was on her knees, with tears dripping down her face. "How dare you get a C+ on gym" The man spat onto her.

"P-please, dad, please."Jisoo looked up at her dad. 

"Soon, you'll be getting adopted, finally I won't have to take care of your stupid ass." Her dad grunted

 The doorbell rang. Jisoo picked herself up and wiped her tears away. She grabbed her backpack before heading to the door to find a tall man in a suit stepping in front of their door.

"And are you Jisoo?" The man smiled lovingly. "I'm Kim Dong Sun, I work as the chief of the FBI. You'll be living at my house with me from now on."


"My dad didn't bribe you, right?" Jisoo asked, finally saying a word.

"No he didn't, what are you going to do about it?" Namjoon chuckled.

"That's all I needed to know." Jisoo smiled to herself.


Lisa could hear a set of gunshots in the room beside her. She was scared, worried for Jisoo's life. She curled into the corner, trying to forget the sound of the gunshot sounds.  


The bullets were shot right in front of Jisoo. But none of it hit her. Jisoo closed her eyes when the bullets were shot. 

"I'll give you an offer." Namjoon proposed. "If you work for me, I'll not hurt you anymore or scare you, I'll set you free but you'll have to work for me."

Jisoo shook her head. "No, thank you."

"Do it." Namjoon tells his men. His men takes Jisoo to another room. There was the chief of the FBI there, all beaten up.

"Dad!" Jisoo sped over to her dad quickly, he was bleeding a lot. "Dad.. can you hear me?"

"Jisoo. You have to get out of here before-" A gunshot was heard, her dad dropped dead on the ground.


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