Chapter 7

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"To clean at the cell blocks." Jisoo tried to make her manliest voice possible.

"Oh that useless Jae-Sook probably didn't tell you." Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Wait till I skin him alive. All janitors are supposed to go to the torture room 2. There's blood everywhere. So, chop chop." 

Jisoo nodded before finding her way through the hallways into the torture room 2. She finds 3 other janitors cleaning the stains on the walls. She starts mopping the floor. After an hour, a man walked inside the room.

"You guys can go for your break now. This is good enough." The man said. Jisoo walked out of the room and back to the cell blocks. She noticed Lisa in one of the blocks and rummages through her pockets to get the keys. 

She tries to quietly unlock the cell. Lisa notices this and stood up, rushing to Jisoo and embracing her.

"C'mon, we have to go." Jisoo took Lisa's hand before they sped to the staff room, returning the key and changing Lisa into a staff's uniform. Lisa wore a mask and covered her hair in a beanie and a hood, she grabbed a trolley with cleaning supplies and the both of them go in search of the broken window again.

After they saw the window, they walk outside and quickly rushed to the trucks which are still outside. Jisoo grabbed Lisa's hand before jumping onto the truck with her dad in it.

They drove away. A few people tends to their bruises and cuts on their body. But their hands, their hands never separated even after getting on the truck. Jisoo's dad takes them to a base, there were everything they needed to survive. 

"You guys can go now, thanks." He. wrote a few cheques to his men before they drive away. 

"How are you alive?" Jisoo looked around.

"It's a small trick up my sleeve, after all I was the chief of the FBI." He replied. "Here's your bedroom, agent, good job." 

"Thank you

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"Thank you." Lisa said before entering the room and settling down.

"Jisoo, come." He took Jisoo to her room. "Here's your new room, it's not as big as your old one, do you want me to get you a new one?" 

 "Here's your new room, it's not as big as your old one, do you want me to get you a new one?" 

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"No, I love it." Jisoo smiled.

"You must be hungry, let me make you some food." Her biological dad walked away. Jisoo's smile disappeared right when he turned his back.

Jisoo sneaked to her dad's room and rummages the place for something. She finds a big duffel bag filled with small bags of cocaine. She then closed the bag and walked out of the room.

"Food's ready." She heard him shout. 

Lisa was already there

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Lisa was already there. Jisoo sat down and began to eat with the two of them. She stayed quiet the whole time before cleaning her plates and returning to her bedroom. She changed her clothes before walking to Lisa's room.

"We have to go.." Jisoo told her.

"Why? Isn't this place safer than the outside." Lisa asked.

"My dad is a secret drug dealer, heck, he's not even my real dad." Jisoo said quietly.

"Where do you want to go? We're all over the news, we can't show our faces!" Lisa replied.

"I know a place.. but you have to trust me.." Jisoo looked into Lisa's eyes.

"I do. I'll start packing." Lisa told her. Jisoo grabbed her backpack full of stuff and stole her dad's car keys before checking on Lisa. Lisa was also all done. They take their dad's car and Jisoo starts driving to a pizza place.

Jisoo finds her friend inside the pizza place working, her friend takes the both of them to her office.

"God damnit, Chu, you're all over the news, what have you been up to?" She asked.

"I just need my hideout, I'll write you a cheque after all of this chaos, I'll write you double the rent for the whole month." Jisoo told her.

"Fine." She takes the 2 to another room, there was everything there. "You better keep your promise." There were 2 beds, a television, a bathroom, a kitchen, basically everything.

"How'd you-" Lisa gets interrupted.

"It's a secret." Jisoo smiled.

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