Chapter 8

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"We should get some rest." Jisoo laid on her bed, she felt Lisa laying beside her, hugging her tightly, it was warm. Right when she turned around, Lisa kissed her in the lips. Her cheeks immediately turned red, she turned back around and faced the wall. But, she couldn't help but smile a little. Lisa also smiled at the sight of Jisoo blushing. 


Lisa was woken up by the busy noise of the pizza place. She sees Jisoo awake. She was changing. Lisa snuck up behind her and wrapped her hands around her waist. Jisoo froze, she looked behind her and smiled seeing Lisa hugging her tightly.

"I'm going to get us something to eat, okay?" Jisoo put on her shirt after Lisa let go. Lisa nodded, she turned on the television after Jisoo walked out of the room.

*Breaking News, the Former Chief Of the FBI has escaped. He is now wanted, the suspect is bearing weapons and on the run from the authorities. Kim Namjoon is now under custody and arrested for drug dealing, he has however denied to other charges including kidnapping, murder and more-*

Lisa turned off the television, hearing somebody that continuously hurt her and Jisoo deny to things he has done to the both of them is making her mad. She changed her clothes after taking a shower, something she haven't done in a long time. It was refreshing. When she got out of the bathroom, Jisoo was there with pastries and coffee on the table. 

"Where did you get those?" Lisa asked.

"The bakery next door." They both sat down and had breakfast.

"Did you watch the news?" Lisa sipped on her coffee.

Jisoo stopped eating for a few seconds before nodding. 

"Aren't you mad?" Lisa looked at Jisoo. Their eyes met.

"I have a lot of other things to do and to worry about." Jisoo finished her food. "After you're done, let's go to a car dealership and sell my dad's car before getting a new one. He'll recognize his own car surely."

Lisa cleaned up the rubbish on the table before making the bed. Jisoo packed their things and they go onto the car and drove to a car dealership. They got a hefty sum for it. Then, they got a cheaper car that blends in.

 Then, they got a cheaper car that blends in

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They notice another car following them. They try to speed up, but the car was still trailing them. They start going circles, the car was still following them so they sped up and went in a busy road to try and blend in.

Bullets were flying everywhere.

"Duck!" Lisa shouted. Jisoo ducked, she looked up a little and saw Lisa still driving, despite the fear in her eyes.

Jisoo could hear the gunshot sounds stopping, she looked up, Lisa was still driving the car, her shoulder was bleeding. Jisoo took off Lisa's jacket to check on her wound. Luckily, the bullet went through half the car seat and it just scraped her shoulder.

They stopped at a gas station to fill the gas tank of the car before they grab the first aid kit in the car and head for the bathroom of the gas station. Jisoo carefully removed her shirt and cleans the wound. Lisa winced in pain. Jisoo then slowly applied the bandage on the wound before closing up the first aid kit.

Lisa wore her shirt before joining Jisoo back outside. Jisoo picked up a bag of candy to cheer Lisa up.

"Thanks." Lisa grinned after seeing the gigantic bag of candy.

"Let me drive." Jisoo said after removing the bullet from the car seat. They hop on before heading back for the pizza place.

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